Chapter 13

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I shivered under my covers and immediately reached out for the warmth of my mate, but was highly disappointed when I was met with the coolness of the empty space on the mattress.

Knowing that I wasn't going to get another second of sleep, I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and taking a steamy, hot shower, I walked out of the bathroom wrapped in an enormous towel and put on some clothes.

Since I wasn't planning on going anywhere today, I decided to put on some blue denim shorts and topped it with one of my mate's giant t-shirts.

Because my hair hates me and never wants to dry, I simply stacked it on top of my head into a messy bun.

After doing a once over in the mirror, I walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen so I could make breakfast.

While I was putting the food on the tray, I heard a voice coming from behind me saying.

"You girls never know when to leave." the voice said.

I turned around and was met a strikingly beautiful woman with long blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

You could tell she was the flaunt type by the way she was dressed. She had on skin tight jeans and an equally tight crop top that barely held her chest in.

"Excuse me." I said shocked by her hostility.

"You heard me."she said while looking me up and down with. "So why don't you just make it easy on yourself and do your walk of shame before the rest of the pack gets up." She said with a smirk.

Since I was little my parents always told me that violence was never the answer ,but right now I wanted nothing more than to smack that smirk right off her face.

But since I was going to be Luna soon , I had to think about my actions and decided to be the bigger person.

"I don't think you understand I'm Abi-"

"Look slut I don't care who you are all I know is that you need to stay away from my man." " You've had your little night special so you can go." She said with a flick of her hair.

"Actually I was just making breakfast for my mate." " After having a night like last night he really needs to get some energy." I say with a smirk of my own.

That statement made her face redden with anger and she looked about ready to pounce on me.

"Please, like Conner would want you." "When he can have all this." she said while gesturing towards herself. "Anyway he needs a Luna like me to take good care of him not a worthless slut like you."

It felt like her words were actual punches the way that they hit me, but I wouldn't dare show that to her.

So before I lost my cool, I picked up the tray of food and walked past her, but not before sending a bullet back at her.

"You're right he could have you. Just like every other man has, but I guess he just has higher standards than that ." I said while tilting my head to the side.

She started to speak but I cut her off before she could even spitter a sentence.

"Now, I would love to stay and chat but I could be doing something so much better and stronger ,if you know what I mean." I said while flashing my brightest smile and walking up the steps leaving the angry, sputtering blonde behind.

I couldn't help the wide smile that was spread across my face as I walked down the hall towards Conner's office.

Thankfully the door was slightly open , so I pushed it the rest of the way with my hip and happily entered the room.

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