Chapter 19

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You will not cry. You will not cry. I chanted as I made my way through the doors and let them slam behind me.

I ignored the people on the outside and just made my way to my room from my younger years. I could hear the rumors brewing and knew I could not be here any longer. I promised myself I would never let these people hurt me again and I sure as hell wouldn't let them see me break.

As I entered the room I immediately closed the doors away from their judging glances and began to pack my bags. I thought of how Conner would feel about me now that he knew my secret. I knew for a fact he wouldn't even want to be seen with me anymore. Not only have I lied to him on more than one occasion, but I've also embarrassed him in front of all of his peers.

I had grown so attached him over the past months and now I might be losing him for good. All because I was too much of a coward to tell him the actual truth. I knew nothing good would come out of this trip and now the worst has come instead. This trip has not only cost me my pride but most importantly my mate . This realization made my heart ache and without my permission a few tears trailed down my face.

My thoughts were confirmed when after fifteen minutes he still has not come into the room. His anger would be better than silence any day at this point. While I pack I try and think of potential places to stay if Conner decides he does not want me to stay in his pack, but the only place I could think of is nana Ann and I'm sure she would not go against her own grandson.

After packing my clothes and one of Conner's shirts just in case I don't see him for a while, I sit on the edge of the bed and prepare for what is going to happen when Conner comes through the door. I was perfecting my apology when the door opens.

"Conner, I am so -"

I immediately stop when I realize that it was not Conner. It was Max, his beta and he has the one look that I am sure will paint everyone else's when they hear of the day I have had.

"The alpha told me to take you back to the pack Luna." He says while picking up my luggage and leading me out of the pack house and towards the car.

When he opened the door I half expected Conner to be there but I'm saddened to only see an empty space. Knowing I would need the rest, I just laid my head on the cool window and closed my eyes.

About a couple hours later, we were pulling up to the pack house and the nerves that had midway settled tightened back in the pit of my stomach. I walked into the house only to find other pack members standing around and the alpha was nowhere to be found. I just ignored their stares and climbed up the steps towards my room.

Without thinking , my legs guided me to Conner's office in hopes of finding him there, but I was disappointed a second time when I saw the room was completely empty. Not even his scent was in there.

My last hope was on our bedroom but when I opened that door I was welcomed by yet another empty room. I closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed deciding that I'd just wait for him to come home.

Three hours later and he still has not arrived. So I just took off my clothes and replaced them with one of his shirts and crawled in the bed. When I reached over for his pillow, I was surprised to find a note on top off it.

Went to a friend's house-Conner

The thin piece of paper read. He must really be pissed because not only has he not even cared enough to tell me in person that he would not be here, he didn't even specify on his location. Usually when he left he would tell me where he was going and when he was planning on returning. This little note didn't include any of those precious details. Which in the end left much to my imagination. I did not want to dwell on those gory details so I just snuggled close to his pillow and let his scent comfort me to sleep.

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