Chapter 8

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I honestly didn't know how long I had been walking, but I was exhausted.

I had obviously picked the wrong day to travel because the sun seemed to be at its strongest and there wasn't a lick of moisture anywhere.

The only thing keeping me from fainting were the tall, stout trees, but even they seemed to be falling victim to the blistering heat.

Not wanting to push myself to hard, I found the most plump tree I could find and sat underneath its shielding leaves.

Promising to myself to only be a few minutes, I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes.

The sound of leaves rustling and heavy footsteps woke me. I opened my eyes to find pitch black surrounding me. The only source of light was from the stars and moon shining in the sky, but that was barely enough for my weak eyes.

So much for a quick nap. I thought sarcastically while standing and wiping my sleep filled eyes ,but all humor faded as I heard voices coming towards me.

"Man, that was fun." Said a male voice .

"I know right, they weren't even expecting it." Another said while laughing .

They had to be rogues and they were no doubt up to no good .That's what they live for. As if causing pain to others were a source of entertainment .

I held my breath as their footsteps got closer. Silently praying that they didn't pay attention to my scent.

Closing my eyes, I pressed my back into the tree, but while doing so my foot stepped on a dry leaf making an audible crunch echo in the silence .

All of a sudden the footsteps stopped and I couldn't stop the whimper that escaped my trembling lips. That's just great .

"Well, I believe we have some company" one of the men said.

All of a sudden I was pulled from my safe haven and into the arms of a tall, bulky figure.

My stomach dropped as I took in his appearance. Which was difficult since I couldn't see as well as a regular werewolf, but from what I could make out he looked like a well oiled death machine.

What made it worse was that he wasn't alone.Standing right beside him was an equally frightening figure .

"What's a little doll like you doing alone at this time of night." one of the men teased.

"Don't you know it's dangerous out here." the one grasping my arms taunted . I could smell the stench of whiskey flowing out of his mouth and that only doubled my anxiety .

Just my luck. Not only were they rogues but drunk ones at that.

By now I was a trembling , whimpering mess. Just imagining what they were going to do had me weak.

"P-please let me go." I whispered choking on my tears.

"Shhhhhh don't cry sweet thing we aren't going to hurt you, you're going to enjoy it as much as we are." the man holding my captive said while nibbling on my ear.

My stomach wrenched in disgust and my blood hammered through my veins.

Trying to get him off of me, I kicked him in his privates. Earning a loud groan and a few curses to leave out of the man's mouth.

When I was freed from his grasp I made a run for it. I didn't get far because half a second later I was grabbed by my waist and slung to the ground .

"Ahhhhh" I screamed but I was sure no one could here me and this brought more tears to my eyes.

"You fucking bitch." the man I kicked in the groin said darkly.

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