Chapter 12

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Here I am sprawled on the couch while watching my favorite show of all time,Full House, when I hear a voice that I haven't heard in what seems like forever.

"You want some company?" Conner said while nervously scratching his head.

Since this is the first word he's uttered to me in a week, I decide to give him an ice cold shoulder.

So instead of speaking to him directly, I just shrug my shoulders and sit up on the couch.

I feel the couch sink beside me as he sits down. It takes everything in my system to not give up this charade and crawl into his lap.

Even though I don't dare look at him, my body is fully aware of his presence. The cells in my body are coming alive and I can feel the air sizzle between us.

I don't know if it's the mate bond or what but it's like I'm drawn to him and the more he ignored me, the worse it got.

He's literally been avoiding me like the plague since the incident. I mean I understand him not wanting to speak about it at first but it's been a full week without any type of communication.

"Can we talk."

"Now you want to talk to me." I said with acid dripping in my voice.

"Abigail can you please just listen to me?"

"I've been waiting a week to talk to you but every time I even tried to walk you're way, you'd run in the opposite direction."

All the anger I had just seemed to consume me all at once and I couldn't help the tears that pooled in my eyes.

"Abigail can you just look at me."

I took a deep breath and turned to face him.

"What could you possibly want to say to me now?"

"Look I know that I'm the last person you want to talk to but I just need to talk to you."

"Maybe I'll catch you next week I have a busy schedule." I said while getting ready to get up from the couch.

Before I could get off the couch, I was stopped in midstride by a hand on my wrist.

"I was scared I would lose you again!" "There I said it, I couldn't stand the thought of losing you again, and when I couldn't find you yesterday I -"

"Why couldn't you just tell me that in the beginning." I said while letting him pull me back on the couch.

"Because I know how new you are to these types of things and I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable by me saying how I feel."

"How could you make me uncomfortable with a way that I already feel." I said with my voice fading into a whisper by the end.

I could feel my cheeks burning and was pretty sure they were now a bubble gum pink, and all of a sudden I was very intrigued with my hands.

"You don't have to be embarrassed to tell me how you feel." Conner said while picking up my chin so I could look at him.

When I looked into his eyes I could see the hurt that swam in them and it broke my heart to know that I put it there.

"No, it's not that I'm embarrassed, it's just that... well I'm scared."

"What could you possibly have to be scared of."

"How much I care about you." "I mean I've never felt like that about a person and it literally terrifies me." " And what if one day you wake up and realize how worthless I really am like everyone else did and-"

I was cut of by Conner jumping up from the couch and beginning to pace in front of me like a mad man.

Then all of a sudden he stopped in front of me and looked into my eyes as if he were looking for something.

I'm guessing he found whatever it was because he took a deep breath and kneeled in front of where I was sitting on the couch.

"Abigail, there's nothing you can do or say that's going to change the way I feel about you." "You're my mate and there's no one else I'd rather be with." "So sorry to break it to you this way but you're kind of stuck with me for life." he said while chuckling.

" So don't be afraid to tell me how you feel okay." "I don't want any secrets between us anymore."

"Okay agreed no more secrets."

"And no more crying." he said while wiping my tears with the pad of his thumbs.

"No promises." I said while laughing lightly.

The touch of his hand on my face caused my skin to tingle and it took everything I had in my system to not maul him at that second.

It amazed me how I could go from sobbing Susie to a vixen in a split second.

"We'll just blame that on the mate pull" said my wolf in my head.

"So are we good now?" He said while looking at me expectantly.

"Perfect now can I please watch tv with you now we've literally missed a full episode." he said while smiling.

"Fine, but you have to sit on the floor as punishment for not speaking to me."

"Umm I think not." he said while getting up from his knees, picking me up bridal style, and lying down down with me sprawled on his chest. "Now that's better." he said after turning up the tv.

I didn't even argue. I just snuggled closer into his chest and watched the show with my mate.


Heyy guys I know it's been a while so I decided to update this one and I know it's short but I promise the next one will be longer. I just wanted to have a perfect end to their heart to heart moment❤️. Anywho tell me what you think and don't forget to vote✌️

Also I want to start perfecting the book so if you see any errors in grammar or anything of that matter just comment it in the chapter with the error.

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