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Once we reach Penny Street we walk right up to a brown two story house.

"Please stay here. I will be back. I have to tell Mikey who you are before he goes batshit crazy on me about me bringing a fertile home," he said quite nervously. I nod and when I do, he turns around and opens the door behind him. Once he enters the house, he shuts the door and leaves me alone with my mind.

A few minutes later, Gerard opens the door with a smile and gestures me in. I step in and look around.

No pictures of anyone, really nice furniture, and warm air. This feels like home. My house feels the exact opposite of the term "home". Home is comforting. Here is comforting.

"Mikey's upstairs. Let's go," Gerard says before grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to a flight of stairs. "Do you have any medical conditions that preven-"

"You should know. How long were you stalking me?" I snap out. I didn't know I had that in me.

"Let's just go up the stairs," he says, sounding a bit guilty.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's fine."

We then walk up the long flight of stairs. There were approximately 38 stairs in the staircase. We reach the top and enter a room.

The room has double doors and a bunch of sofas in it so I am guessing that this is the living room.

"Make yourself at home while I get Mikey," he said, still sounding guilty.

And I do. I sit down in a comfortable position on a couch while he is getting his brother.

And then I smell it.


I forgot about my cravings and now I am reminded.

Fuck, I want the thing that smells like iron. What was it? I forgot. It comes from the human body, that's what I know.

My thoughts drop as a tall, lanky guy comes in. He looks around my age so maybe he is a teenager? He is wearing a gray beanie, glasses, black skinny jeans, and and Anthrax shirt. Gerard follows the boy in and they make themselves comfortable on another couch.

"Hey. My name is Mikey," he said, breaking the silence I didn't even know was there.

"I'm Frank," I said, giving a smile. He smiles back.

"So you are a fertile. Just so you know, Gerard does not need a fuck-and-flee type of guy," he says earning glares from Gerard.

"Don't worry. We aren't doing that. I just found out yesterday about what I am. And your brother and I are- friends?" I say.

Gerard nods in return and Mikey smiles. "Okay." I smile back. "So you just figured out yesterday that you have more than one type of species in you? Do you know your leading trait, yet?"

"Uhm, yeah. My leading trait is vampire," I said.

"Cool. So is Gerard's. The vampire leading trait is one of the least common, actually. My leading trait is an angel. I don't know why. I think angel is Gerard's secong leading trait, though?" Mikey asked. Gerard just nodded. "My second leading trait is..." and then he whispers, "unicorn."

At that point, Gerard burst into laughter.

"Traits run through your family. Not leading ones, though. You develop those over time. Do you know your second leading, Frank?" Mikey asked. I shake my head.

"We will have to help you find that out," Gerard butted in.

"How do you do that?" I ask.

"Well, it takes time and effort with a lot of testing but we can figure it out before you start your second phase. You are almost done with your first phase, currently. Phases are the type of "puberty" thing for each trait. Cravings is the phase for vampires," Mikey said.

"What is the phase for unicorns?" I ask, giggling a bit.

"Well, it is kind of personal but when I fart, glitter comes from.. down there," Mikey said quietly. ((I laughed FAR too hard writing that XD wtf is wrong with me? XD))

"Oh my god," I manage before I start crying and hyperventilating with too much laughter.

Mikey blushes and that causes me to laugh even more. This whole "immortal" thing just keeps getting better and better.

"Do you think you have found your mate, Frank? I can tell you are a fertile so a Dominate would be your mate," Mikey asked.

"I don't think so.. I mean, I have only met your brother and this lustful dude at the park. Those are the only dominates I have seen before."

"Mikey, I think I have found my mate but this can wait for later," Gerard said.

"Ooooh who did you fall in love with?" Mikey asked.

"Well, uhm, a fertile. But this conversation isn't for now," Gerard pleaded.


"Please," Gerard begged.

"Fine. Who's hungry? I'm guessing you both want blood?" Mikey asked, getting up. Gerard and I nod in sync.

Mikey leaves and Gerard says, "Sorry about that. I am not very comfortable talking about things like that."

"It's fine. I understand. So every immortal has a mate?" I ask. He nods and- oh! Here comes the awkward silence! How fun!

A few minutes pass and Mikey comes back with blood in bottles... bottled blood.

Mikey passes one to me and one to Gerard. He sits down and eats potato ((I just said potato in my head as "poe-tah-toe")) chips.

I open the bottle and sip the delicious crimson liquid. This taste can probably very addicting.

"So about your mate..." Mikey starts again.

"If you want to know this bad, let's go some where private," Gerard said. Mikey nods and Gerard looks back at me saying, "Sorry about this. I share everything with him and I am not very easy about this topic."

"It's fine. I'll just drink this," I say, pointing to the bottle. He nods and leaves with Mikey.

I am assuming they went to the room next to this one because I start hearing muffled whispers and then Mikey yelled in a surprised tone, "Oh my god, Gerard! Really?"

Then more and more muffled whispers until it became silent. The door opened and Gerard stepped through with Mikey. It looked like Mikey was eye raping me... What am I missing?

Does he like me? He can't. Gerard said fertiles belong to Dominates. Not fertiles with fertiles or Dominates with Dominates.

"Sorry about the yelling," Mikey apologized, breaking the eye raping session.

"It's fine. So, do you guys like video games?" I ask.

"Sorry, Frank, but we think you should leave for the night. You can come back tomorrow. We need sleep and you should get some sleep," Gerard said.

"Oh.. Okay. See you guys tomorrow," I say with a fake smile.

"Bye," they say is unison. Something is very off. I can feel it.

~~~Time Lapse~~~

I make it home and to my room. My room is smaller than Pete's closet, obviously.

What was up with Gerard and Mikey, though? That was so weird.

I decided to make it to my twin sized bed and fall asleep.

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