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I wake up to a random room. I look around and see blood on the walls and a mutilated body. I also see blood on myself and my even bigger baby bump. It looks like I'm expecting anytime soon.

I get up and walk out of the house, noticing I'm on Cemetery Drive. A few streets down is Gerard's house. I begin making my way there but I bump into someone.

"S-sorry," the person said. I look at them and see that they are male and look to be about 24. "I'm Ryan. Ryan Ross." He holds out his hand to me, a man with a baby bump and blood all over them self.

I shake his hand and say, "I'm Frank. Frank Iero." And with that, he gasped.

"Frank, as in, Mikey's brother's boyfriend?" He asked.

"Uhm, yeah. Why?"

"Oh, it's, uhm, nothing," he ends up blushing and we walk together to the Way family's house.

"So, uhm, how's the baby doing?" He asks, breaking the silence.


"Mikey tells me everything but recently he has been telling me a lot about you. So you're vampire and demon, pregnant with Gerard's kid, and... You've been asleep for two weeks again," he said, shocking me. Again?

"W-what? Who the hell are you?" I shout.

"Ryan Ross, Mikey's best friend. My leading trait is psychic and my secondary trait is angel. My mate is Brendon Urie and my favorite drink is milk," he says, matter of factly.

We reach the door and open it, stepping inside and shutting the door.

Ryan rushes off to somewhere and I see a concerned Gerard walking towards me.

"Two weeks, again. Mrs. Willow dead. How do you feel, Frank? Are you okay? Are you tired? Are you hungry?" He asks and looks down at the baby bump an looks back up at me. "Uhm... It might be time to have the baby.."

"O-okay," I stutter out.

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