
978 65 35

I woke up at around 3 AM. When I do wake up, I realize that I am still wearing the same clothes from yesterday but they are just a little wrinkled. I shrug it off and make my way out of the room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I'm not hungry but food does sound amazing. I open the cupboards in search of Pop tarts but all I find is cereal and some expired soup. Mom really needs to go grocery shopping.

I heard a creak behind me and I turn around, fast enough to create light. Well, not really. I find the red headed boy that I so hopelessly like.

"S-sorry," he said. "I'll leave."

"No. Please stay," I say quietly. "We need to talk, anyways." I'm scared of the conversation but it needs to take place.

"About what?" He asks, cautiously.

"Uhm, about the kiss," I say the last word as quietly as possible, hoping he doesn't hear me. I hear a chuckle coming from Gerard and that brings down my mood a little bit.

"Okay. What? Is it that you don't know why you kissed me but you realized you don't have feelings for me?" He asked, a little angry. His eyes are starting to turn a jet black but they aren't all the way there.

"No. I don't know why I kissed you because it just happened in the moment. Afterwards, I realize that I, uhm, fuck, I really like you." After I said that, his eyes lost it's black color but started to turn a red. What does red mean again? His face softened up a bit.

"Oh," he said, sounding surprised. "I, uhm, really, really like you too."

What? He likes me too?

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, uhm, yeah I really do," he said, sort of nervously.

I go a little closer to him and lean up, pressing my lips to his. My lips move just a little bit and then he kisses me back.

The kiss felt magical. The kiss felt like fire and ice. Hot but cold. The kiss made me realize something.

"Gerard, I think I found my mate," I say looking into his red eyes.

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