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They get back to the house about an hour later. The hour has been boring as fuck. All I was thinking about was when I would find my mate.

When they do get here, Mikey has a red bass guitar and looks awfully happy.

"Frank! I got my bass guitar!" He practically screamed. I give a small fake smile and a nod, showing that I don't give a fuck. He then leaves the big couch room to go somewhere else. His own room, maybe?

"Sorry about Mikey. He gets overexcited about music," Gerard said, sighing. "What'd you do, anyways?"

"Thought. Thinking is what I do in my spare time," I told him.

"Yeah. Thinking is easy to do, I guess."

He came over and sat next to me on the couch that I am sitting on.

"It's just what I do. So how was the guitar shop?" I ask. "I've always wanted to play guitar someday. Like, I've never have held a guitar."

"If you want to learn, I will gladly buy you a guitar and lessons," he said, smiling.

"Really?" I all but yelled.

"Yep," Gerard said, popping the "p" at the end.

"Oh my god, thank you!" And I don't know why, but I leaned up and placed my lips on his.

~~~Time Lapse~~~

I went home after five hours of hanging out with Mikey and Gerard. Mikey showed me how well he plays bass and damn, that kid is fucking amazing. We also watched Night of the Living Dead. But most importantly, I kissed Gerard.

I didn't know I had feelings for him but now I can see it very crystal fucking clear.

I may have just met the boy (he hasn't just met me, I know this) but I have strong feelings for him.

The kiss is all I could think about when I got home, too. How nice the kiss was.

His mouth tasted of coffee and blood. His lips were also just the right temperature.

The kiss lasted about three very long seconds. Kissing him felt like it lasted an eternity. It stayed a very innocent kiss, as well.

The kiss ended when my phone ringed. Pete was bored as fuck and wanted something to do. I told him I would meet him at the park but I never did meet him there. I just went home after that.

It was about six when I got back and no one was home so I just fell asleep. Realizing that you like like someone is pretty tiring and I was tuckered out when I got home.

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