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I walk into the kitchen and see Gerard still cooking pancakes, Mikey sitting at the table and pretending that he totally didn't say those things to me, and an emo lump that I thought I was best friends with.

Pete Wentz.

And the worst part was that Pete had sex hair and one of Mikey's shirts on.

When he looked at me, his facial expression showed that he knew he was caught. No backing out now.

"I-I can explain, F-Frank!" Pete said.

"What? There's more to the part where you're fucking my boyfriend's brother? Oh, tell me how you and Mikey met. I'm seriously interested," I yell.

"Well, uhm, you see Frank.. I am.. Immortal. I met Mikey by the connection of you.." Pete said, trying to find the right words.

"Okay. If you're immortal, what are your two traits, huh?" I asked, crossing my arms sassily.

"My leading trait is angel but my secondary trait is.. Demon," Pete said, making his eyes grow black then back to the light brown color. That gets me puzzled because he is saying that he's both angel of life and death.

"You never told me you were demon! I had to yell at Frank earlier because he's demon and now I have to yell at you, too?" Mikey all but boomed.

"You yelled at Frank? My Frank?" Gerard boomed back. Gerard then left the kitchen and walked over to Mikey, taking a certain amount of steps before holding Mikey up in the air by his collar. "Do you know what unicorns get as a punishment?" Mikey gulped.

All of a sudden, Gerard tugs at Mikey's hair, revealing a horn. Gerard snaps it off and puts it on the counter. Mikey cries and wails in pain.

Gerard returns to the stove and picks up the unicorn horn, breaking it in half and pouring some liquid from the horn onto a pancake.

Once that pancake is done, Gerard holds it out to me and says, "it's supposed to boost your health." I grab it and eat it cautiously. Mikey is death glaring at me the whole time while Pete is death glaring at Mikey with his black eyes.

Once I'm finished, I don't feel any better. "Gerard?" I ask. He looks up at me and I ask, "when is this unicorn stuff going to work?"

"It isn't working?" He asks before I shake my head. "Well, now I know the baby's secondary trait. Get ready to be a unicorn uncle, Mikey, because this baby will be a unicorn as well."

"As well? What is the leading trait?" Mikey breaks the death glare and turns his head to Gerard.


"So vampire and unicorn.. Pretty unique," Mikey sighs, back to death glaring at Frank.

Immortals (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now