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We packed my room. We packed my band posters, most of my clothes, my guitar named Pansy, and we packed my charger. 

"Ready, sweetie?" He asked, looking at me. I gave a simple nod. We then picked up the bags and walked out of my room, then we made our way to the door, and out into the cold October breeze. My birthday is in thirteen days, making today October 18. My birthday is going to be simple. Gerard doesn't have to know that it's my birthday. I will go trick or treating as werewolf for Halloween and afterwards, I'll eat my candy in silence.

Right as we're crossing the street, I felt a pang in my stomach. All of a sudden, I only felt negative emotions and voices in my head telling me to rip someone's head off. I clutch my stomach and my face twists in pain.

"G-Gerard?" I ask. He looks at me with a surprised facial expression.

"You j-just started your next phase.. Uhm.." He says, trying to think.

"B-but what the fuck am I? I feel as if I want to kill someone.. But I don't want to at the same time!" I yell in the abandoned road.

He lets out a string of profanities and then replies with, "Demon."

Immortals (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now