Gettin a fuckin beer, alright?

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"What the fucks up with you Gallagher?" I bark at the love of my life.
"Nothin I'm fine." Ian says gruff
I sit close to Ian "I love you know that right, don't know what the fucks up with you recently." Hoping Ian doesn't feel the same awful insecure feeling I have about us.
"Mick do me a favor and leave me alone ok." Ian clenches his blanket.
My heart breaks Slightly.

"What's wrong with you Ian. I'm worried about you." My stupid voice croaked
"Don't gotta worry bout me mick." This hurt a lot for some reason, maybe he is feeling scared about our relationship
"I gotta're my boyfriend." I say this to ease any worry he has.
Ian shakes his head "shut the fuck up Mickey for two seconds." I feel tears welling up then I realized who the fuck I am.

"why! What's wrong with you?"
"I'm tired mick."
"You know for a God damn fact that's not what I'm getting at shit sure your taken your meds?"

Ian sits up glaring at me, he don't scare me so I just stare back. Fell for his scare tactics before, I'm stronger now.
"Just because I'm fucking tired doesn't mean I'm not taking my meds asshole." He might as well have a vagina at this point man
"You ain't just tired, I've  been putting up with your chic behavior for the last 3 fuckin months, ignoring me, not letting me touch you, not having sex or..or when we do it's for 25 fucking seconds every month, so no Clayton you ain't just tired."

"Mickey Shut up, shut the fuck up and let me sleep." I could knock his teeth out.
"Ian listen, listen the fuck up when I'm trying to talk to you, you ginger prick."
"What's up with you, do you not want to be....."
"To be what mick?"
" a relationship with me anymore.."
Ian doesn't say anything.

"Can you atleast say something?, anything!, fuckin lie to me even" my head spins.
"Sure mick." Ian says monotone
"OK I take that back don't lie to me." My heart is in my stomach, I  feels sick, my head buzzes waiting for an answer.

"When the fuck did I mention breaking up? Do you want to break up?"
This hasn't brought me any ease as
Ian said it in a patronizing kind of way.
"Don't fucking patronize me Ian."
"I'm not, desperate bitch."

This sends me over the edge, one thing I won't be is desperate, or if I am I won't be seen as desperate.
"Fuck you man" I get up from the bed and head for the bedroom door.
"The fuck you going?!"
Ian calls out to me

Gettin a fuckin beer, alright?!

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