🏹⚡️An Unexpected Change 🏹⚡️

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One change is all it takes to have the utmost impact on a persons life..that's all it takes to cause one little thing, no matter how big or how small to alter one's destiny; For Barry Allen one change in his life had impacted everything...his mother had been murdered when he was twelve years old and from that day on he knew that something impossible had killed her...a man in yellow to be precise and it changed his life forever

He wanted nothing more than to find out who ruined his life and when he became the impossible..it became more possible than ever; What started as a mission to figure out who had murdered his mother..he soon would find out that the man who mentored him was the one who'd committed the act

And his mission soon turned into a race, one that he couldn't finish..and it only became worse; Barry ran into his childhood home in his suit with his cowl off..the last time he'd been there was when Joe revealed to him that his adult self had also been here the night his mother died

It was mere seconds ago where his father was taken by the madman zoom who Barry had thought was finally gone after all the breaches were closed but he was wrong

"Dad? Dad?"

Barry says with worry as he walks in and sees Hunter holding his father with his arm wrapped around his throat

Hunter stares at the fastest man alive with no remorse in his eyes as he tells the flash

Hunter: It's poetic returning to your childhood home.

Barry was on the verge of tears but kept them back knowing that he needed to save his father..he'd already lost his mother and he couldn't bare to lose his father as well

"Jay. Please don't do this. All right, I'm begging you."

He begs as he slowly steps forward towards the madman

"I'm begging you! Take me. Kill me."

Henry: No!

Henry shouts at his son as he'd never want his son to trade lives with him; he'd been so proud of the man Barry grew up to be and would never change a thing that's happened

But Hunter didn't listen to Barry or his father as he instead changes the subject and says to him

Hunter: You still won't believe that you and I are the same.

Barry finally let the tears out as he begs Hunter not to do this as Henry tells Barry to look at him as Hunter continues

Hunter: So I'm gonna have to make you believe me.

Henry tells Barry that he's made him the happiest father to ever live as Barry starts to cry while Hunter says to him

Hunter: This time you're gonna watch your parent die just like I did.

"No! No!"

Barry shouts at Hunter

Hunter: It's gonna make you just like me!

Henry: Your mother and I love-

Henry: Your mother and I love-

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