🏹⚡️ An Unexpected Confrontation 🏹⚡️

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Barry walks into a diner with Jay wearing the clothes the doppelgänger had given him as he looks around and surveys their surroundings and this definitely didn't look like the future; by no means was Barry angry that Jay had come to see him, he looked exactly like his father..and it brought a sense of warmth to know him knowing there was someone out there with his father's face protecting a city

Though he was still confused as to why the flash of earth 3 would come to see him and decided to ask him about it

"Where are we?"

He asks and Jay put his hands in his pockets and responded

Jay: Motorcar diner in Central City.

Barry surveyed his surroundings again and seen an old tv show playing on the television then leans over to Jay knowing this definitely wasn't his time

"Yeah, I meant...What year?"

Jay smiles at Barry's question

Jay: Nineteen-ninety eight.

Jay walks over to a table as Barry follows him and the two of them take a seat as the flash of earth 3 tells Barry

Jay: Wanna get something to eat? Cause I'm starved. The corn beef hash here is the best I've ever had.

Barry cups his hands together not amused by his father's doppelgänger

"Not that I'm not happy to see you but why exactly did you bring me back in time? Wanted to buy me a meal?"

Jay chuckles seeing how Barry wanted to get right to the point

Jay: Something like that. Just wanted to make sure you had no plans to change the timeline again.

Barry went eye widened hearing the doppelgänger say this as Jay chuckles again

Jay: Oh yeah I know about that.


Jay: After your not so subtle reaction when you first met me.

He interrupts deciding to explain as to how he knew about Barry changing the timeline

Jay: Harry told me all that happened with zoom and your mom. And your dad, so I uh decided to keep my eye on you a little bit.

Barry started to get teary eyed just thinking about his mom and what zoom had done to his dad...he made the decision to have the timeline reset but it still didn't make it was that he didn't have his parents here with him

"Did...Did Harry tell ya anything else?"

Jay: That I'm your father's doppelgänger.

Jay says then genuinely tells Barry

Jay: Sorry about that.

"It's just weird. My dad told me my grandmother had the surname Garrick...didn't expect you though."

Jay nods in understanding, he'd been a speedster for along time and while he'd traveled the multiverse over the course of his tenure, he never got used to it

Jay: The multiverse is weird like that.

"Yeah....Yeah it is."

Jay: Though it's sad too. I see why you'd wanna change the timeline...erase what happened. Who wouldn't wanna try and save their parents?

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