🏹⚡️An Unexpected Wells 🏹⚡️

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A lot had happened in the last couple of weeks for Barry. He had informed the team about the mysterious speedster Savitar who caused the attack on him and while the team was still reeling from the revelation of Flashpoint, they unanimously agreed that finding Savitar was of utmost importance and the only two not really speaking to Barry at the moment were Thea and Aurelia who were the most effected by Barry's reveal

Barry had also discovered that Wally had gained speed from Harry's attempt to restore his own powers, and so he decided to train Wally as his protege especially after seeing how well he did for himself in Flashpoint but not only that a new Wells, HR, had joined the team which Harry had helped to find

But amidst all this, and helping to bring Caitlin back after she became Killer Frost, his main concern remained his "girlfriend" Thea and despite the circumstances that led to their relationship in the new timeline and the fact it didn't make any sense as to why they were together, Barry still felt a mix of frustration and regret; He couldn't shake the feeling that things had gone awry, and he desperately wished to set them right

Uncertain about his true feelings for her, Barry couldn't deny his attraction to Thea. Yet, she was also the sister of one of his closest friends, and hadn't even mustered the courage to speak to Oliver stance on their relationship. And given Oliver's tendency to resort to archery, Barry decided it was best to avoid Star City altogether

However, his thoughts were momentarily diverted by his lunch date with Iris. Spotting her in the cafe, Barry couldn't help but smile as he approached her booth as Iris greeted him warmly, and they exchanged a hug before taking their seats

Iris noticed the solemn expression on Barry's face, having been informed by her father about the flashpoint revelation and Thea remaining silent

Iris: Thea still isn't speaking to you?

She asked with concern evident in her voice

He shook his head as a heavy sigh escaped from his lips

"No, she's not."

Iris: It's still weird to me that you and her weren't together in the original timeline.

She says but sees Barry absentmindedly toying with his fork and couldn't help but to chuckle

Iris: Barry, you're going to bend that fork if you keep playing with it like that."

Barry finally glanced up at her, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips

"Sorry, I'm just... frustrated."

Iris: I get it.

She replied, her tone sympathetic but still the idea that Thea and Barry didn't get together in the original timeline kept knawing at her

Iris: So you and Thea really weren't together in the original timeline?

Barry chuckles as his thoughts drifting to the complexities of their relationship

"Yeah, it's weird for me too. I mean, I'm not even sure how Oliver feels about it."

Iris reaches across the table, and gently places her hand on top of his as she gives him a soft smile

Iris: Barry, you can't control how others feel. All you can do is be honest with them.

Barry nodded, grateful for her words of wisdom

"Thanks, Iris. But why is it weird to you?

Iris: Because...

She began, her voice trailing off as she struggled to articulate her thoughts

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