🏹⚡️An Unexpected Visitor 🏹⚡️

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The sun shines into Barry's room as he woke up in his new apartment as he sits up and lets out a yawn while he stretched his arms out then looked beside him to see that Thea wasn't in bed with him. He looks around the room and then called out for her


There was no answer and he'd just thought that maybe she had went back to Star City, she was planning to yesterday but obviously she had been worrying about him and decided to wait

Last night was amazing for the scarlet speedster..he and Thea didn't kiss or have sex or nothing, no he didn't wanna be that type of guy even though technically they'd been dating a few months but still to Barry, he didn't even know what it was, was it love?

He honestly didn't know what to feel for Thea but last night was the first night in so long that he was able to just be in the moment, to have peace instead of worrying about the past and other things on his mind. Even in flashpoint, he still worried about things but his night with Thea just allowed him to take a pause on his (no pun intended) race

Barry got out of bed and got into a change of clothes and then grabbed his cellphone from the stand beside the bed and seen that he'd had a message from Joe who was letting him know that they had a case. He was actually quite excited to get back to his job, he hadn't been a csi in months so he knew it was time to get back to it

He turns around and suddenly a white blurr went right past him causing him to fall back down on the bed. He immediately stood back up and looked around the room to see that it was empty

"What the hell was that?"

He takes one more look around the room but still doesn't see anything as he just shrugs it off and leaves the bedroom and goes into the kitchen and turns the coffee pot on then turns and sees a note from Thea on the counter as he picked it up then read it aloud

"Had to go back to Star City I'll be back in a few days. I love you. Love and kisses, Thea."

He didn't realize it but in that moment he smiled and felt a wave of butterflies in his stomach

He puts the note down then puts his hand on his stomach

"I should get something to eat."

Barry turns and goes over to the fridge and opens it up and sees how empty it practically was with the only thing inside being a half eaten slice of pizza. He shrugs his shoulders then grabbed the slice and started to eat it; It was honestly better than going hungry given a speedster needed to consume a lot of calories

Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door as he walks over and opens it up to see Aurelia standing there with a box in her hand

"He—Hey, Aurelia."

She raised a brow and came inside as Barry closed the door and turned to her as his sister places the box on the couch then turned to her brother and crossed her arms

Aurelia: Since when do you call me that? You've called me Lia my whole life.

Barry face palms then let out a sigh; there was still so much he was gonna have to get used too with one of them being he had a sister

"I'm sorry, Lia. I've just um—I've had a lot on my mind recently."

Aurelia let's out a slight laugh then walked over to the kitchen and got a cup from the cabinet and made herself a cup of coffee

Aurelia: You've seem to been going through a lot lately.

Barry chuckled awkwardly then finishes his slice of pizza as he goes over to the counter next to Aurelia and she places a coffee cup in front of him

🏹⚡️An Unexpected Connection🏹⚡️Where stories live. Discover now