🏹⚡️An Unexpected Feeling 🏹⚡️

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Thea rushes out of the elevator of Star Labs and immediately headed towards the cortex, it had only been two hours since she received a call from Caitlin saying that Barry had been attacked and she immediately stop what she was doing and came to Central City

And so many thoughts had ran through her head; she wasn't sure how bad his attack was, if he'd been paralyzed to the point his speed healing wouldn't work, if he was unconscious or the worst thought of all..he was dead

But she couldn't think like that, not until she learned exactly what happened and how severe it was, nevertheless she ran into the cortex as she looks around for Barry and eyes him in the bed bay lying unconscious on a bed

Thea: Oh my god! Barry!

She instantly ran towards the med bay but Caitlin comes out and stops her in her tracks before she could reach him

Caitlin: Hey! Hey! It's alright, Thea.

Thea's breaths steadied upon hearing Caitlin tell her that her boyfriend was okay

Thea: He's okay?

Caitlin gave her a smile along with a nod as Thea took a deep breath as Caitlin grabbed a chair and brought it over for her to sit as Thea ran her hands through her hair, the fear that she'd lost Barry just as she's lost so many people hit her like a ton of bricks as she looks up at Caitlin and asks her the important question

Thea: What happened, Caitlin?

But alas Caitlin didn't have an answer for her as she just goes back over to the med bay and grabs the tablet as she comes back out as she types on it before looking back at Thea

Caitlin: We're not sure. But from the looks of it, he was—

Caitlin couldn't answer as Cisco who'd heard the question came back into the cortex and finished for his friend

Cisco: Hit by a cement truck.

Caitlin: Cisco! I wouldn't put it like that.

Cisco tisks his tongue then goes over to the two of them and stood next to Caitlin

Cisco: Twelve broken ribs, a broken leg, broken arm, fractured spleen and much more. If he didn't have speed heeling, he'd be on his deathbed.

Thea was struck again by the force of Cisco's words as she immediately spoke up

Thea: Guys! What happened? How? How did this happen?

Caitlin and Cisco exchange glances and more questions than answers, the two of them wanted to know exactly what happened just as much as Thea did but of course those answers were only ones Barry could answer but alas their friend was currently unconscious from the attack he'd suffered and they could only wait until he woke in order to learn how exactly this happened

Thea let's out as sigh as she could tell she wasn't gonna get the answers she was looking for from them as she just stands up and goes into the med bay as she takes a seat beside Barry as she grabs his hand and holds it softly

Thea: Come back to me, Barry.

Caitlin and Cisco go over and stand near the doorway and look at Thea as their faces change to a soft expression as they could the love that Thea had for Barry


The fluorescent lights filled his eyes as Barry holds his hand in front of his face to keep the bright light from blinding him as a mixture of confusion and curiosity etched his features as the light slowly fades away and he puts his hand down to see that he was once again in his childhood home

🏹⚡️An Unexpected Connection🏹⚡️Where stories live. Discover now