🏹⚡️An Unexpected Hello 🏹⚡️

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Barry couldn't believe it but at the same time he wasn't even surprised..his sister stood in front of him, that was something he was definitely gonna have to get used too

He was an only child..before his mom died and his dad was sent to prison the two of them had asked him what he thought if they had another child; honestly he had always wanted a sibling and now he had one

He had a mixture of emotions currently rushing through his brain..he didn't know what he was supposed to say to his sister; all he could do was stand in front of her and the words couldn't escape him

???: Barry, maybe we should go to Star Labs and run some tests.

He turns around and rubs his face as he starts to pace around..this shouldn't be possible..none of this should be happening

He shouldn't be with Thea and his sister shouldn't be here let alone exist. He looked at his sister as he finally went to speak but couldn't get a word out as the front door opened up

???: Aurelia, we're home.

Barry turns around and sees Joe and Wally come in the house with bags in their hands as Barry sighs in relief thanking god that at least Joe and Wally were still here as he immediately walks over and doesn't utter a word and pulls Joe and Wally into a hug

Joe cracks out a chuckle as he hugs his adopted son back and asks him

Joe: You okay, Bar?

Barry sniffs and pulls away while keeping his hands on Joe and Wally's shoulders as he replies back

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good."

Aurelia chuckles from behind her brother as Barry didn't take notice to it as he was just grateful that Joe and Wally were still in his life and from the looks of it the two of them hadn't changed

Aurelia: Don't let him fool you, dad. He's out of it today.

She tells her adoptive father as she comes up from behind Barry and pats him on the back causing Barry to slightly flinch as he takes a step to the side as Wally and Joe notice his reaction but they didn't get to say anything about it as Barry had heard what his sister called Joe

"Dad? You just called him, dad?"

Aurelia: Uh....Yeah.

She let out a confused chuckled and looks at Joe before looking back at Barry

Aurelia: I've always called, Joe dad, Barry. Are you sure you're okay?

Barry didn't know what to say as he just turns around and runs his hand through his hair

Aurelia: Is this about Thea's birthday? Cause like I've told you many times, Bar, you don't need to have a present for so far out in advanced.

He shakes his head and takes a deep breath then turns back and looks at them knowing there was only one person who she could talk about this

"Where's Iris? I need to talk to Iris."

Wally: Uh... She's where she's been since her fiancé passed, Barry. In Coast City.

"But that...no...no...that—"

Barry stopped his thoughts as he turns around and looks at the photo of him and Iris; it was just another change...a change to the life he had before he made a mistake and changed everything

In the original timeline, he had known about the job offer Iris received to go to Coast City but she had turned it down due to her relationship with Eddie and her friends but in this timeline things turned out differently, as soon as Eddie died she took off to Coast City

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