🏹⚡️ An Unexpected Attack 🏹⚡️

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Barry could feel the shard against his neck as his body tensed in pain as Savitar kept pushing and the fastest man alive screams out in pain but with is able to phase through his grip as he drops to the ground and then connects with an uppercut to Savitar's jaw as he stumbles backwards

"Who are you?"

Savitar: Someone who wants everything back!

White lightning crackles off of Savitar's body as he charges at Barry but he takes off running out of the alley and into the streets of the central city as Savitar chases after the scarlet speedster as he manages to catch up to him as he grabs him and then throws him into a brick wall but Barry gets back up and runs at this new speedster

Like a positive and a negative, their energy crackles off of one another as the two of them run up the side of a building as the two of them start falling through the air while Barry connects with a punch followed by Savitar doing the same as the two continue to do this until Savitar manages to capitalize with a punch that immediately sends Barry down onto the hood off of a car as the sound of glass shattering was followed by a screech from Savitar as he grabs Barry by the back of his leg and rips him from the car and throws him into another brick wall

Barry falls to the ground as you could see the pain in his body as he tries to stand but didn't even get a chance to as Savitar rips him up from the ground and held his throat within his hand as he held out his other metallic hand as a shiv comes out and Savitar proceeds to stab Barry in the shoulder as the fastest man alive lets out a terrible scream

Savitar rips the shiv out of his shoulder and lets his body drop to the ground as blood falls down from Barry's face as Savitar stands above him

Savitar: This is the almighty flash. I'm disappointed, Barry Allen. You're just as they say you are. Weak.

Barry coughs up drops of blood as he wipes the blood from his face as he looks up at Savitar and asks the speedster an important question

"What do you want from me?"

Savitar: It's like I said, Barry. I want everything you took from me. And I will get it back.

But despite the pain coursing through his body, Barry knew he couldn't let this evil speedster win as he slowly starts to stand up as Savitar was quite surprised with Barry's strength as lightning crackles off of the hero's body and he could feel his body healing quickly

"I don't know who you are or what I did to you. But just like Zoom and Thawne, you won't win."

Savitar lets out a chuckle at the bravery that Barry held as his white lightning with a dark blue outline crackles off his body as he takes a step forward as he tells the flash

Savitar: We'll see about that.

And once again, the two speedsters charge at each other as Barry runs in and catches Savitar off guard and punches him across his metallic face as he goes for a few more punches but Savitar is easily able to dodge each punch as he manages to punch Barry across the face so hard as he stumbles back a bit

But Barry didn't deter as he continues to try and punch Savitar but the metallic speedster is able to retaliate with a lighting bolt that sends Barry flying and into the side of a car as Savitar instantly grabs him as he runs and pins him the wall and lets out some punches down to his stomach before grabbing Barry's and slamming the back of his skull against the wall

Savitar heads the groans coming from Barry but didn't stop his assault as he takes his arm and runs up the side of a wall while keeping hold off the flash as he twirls him around and launches him all the into the air before Savitar runs in a circle then claps his hands together that creates a sonic BOOM that sends Barry flying through the air until he starts to fall through the sky and just before he reaches the ground Savitar takes his shiv and shoves it through Barry's shoulder again and then slams him on the ground

But Savitar didn't stop his attack as he grabs Barry and runs him through the speed force


A portal opens on the other side of Central City as Savitar throws Barry as his body collides on the ground and he rolls around before coming to a stop as the blood falls down his face as he lets out another groan as he tries to stand up but he couldn't as his body just falls back down

All Barry could hear was the sound of Savitar's footsteps getting closer to him as he tells him

"If you—you're gonna ki—kill me, just get it over with."

But alas Savitar had other plans as he makes it Barry and grabs him by the back of his neck and easily lifts him off of the ground as he held Barry within his grasp and seen how weakened he had made him as he takes out his shiv once more and stabs Barry in his stomach and then explains

Savitar: Oh no. I have other plans for you, Barry. Just like I have plans for everyone in your life.

Barry was dropped to the ground as he slowly looks up to see that Savitar had disappeared as he slowly stands up and then with every ounce of energy he had left he ran himself back to Star Labs

The elevator to Star Labs opens up as Aurelia, Caitlin and Cisco come walking out as Aurelia held a book within her hand while Cisco was talking to Caitlin about movie night

Cisco: I still say we should watch the empire strikes back.

Caitlin: Cisco, we always end up watching Star Wars. Why don't we watch something else?

Cisco lets out a gasp while he covers his chest as he stops and Caitlin turns to him

Cisco: Empire Strikes Back is a classic.

Caitlin: Never said it wasn't. All I'm saying is it would be nice to watch a different movie for once.

But before Cisco could respond to Caitlin's outrageous suggestion, Aurelia chimed in to the conversation as she made a movie suggestion of her own

Aurelia: We could watch Pyscho.

Aurelia looked up from her book upon not getting a response from her friends as she sees the two of them staring at her with a very confused look on their faces

Aurelia: What?

Cisco and Caitlin both look at each other before awkwardly chuckling as Caitlin looks back at her as she says to her

Caitlin: It's nothing. It's just we didn't take you for the classic movie type.

Aurelia was kind of offended given she and her brother were pretty much into the same type of movies as she closes her book and held it against her chest

Aurelia: I'm sorry. What type of movies did you guys think I was into?

Cisco: Movies from this generation.

Aurelia: Wow.

She says completely dumbfounded by Cisco's remark as she turns and continues to walk down the hallway

Aurelia: You guys know nothing about me.

Caitlin smacks Cisco on the shoulder and he just laughs as he responds at her action

Cisco: What?

As Caitlin went to respond, the sound of Aurelia screaming cut her off as Caitlin and Cisco run down the hallway and into the cortex as they ask what was wrong but they now knew what was wrong upon seeing a beaten and battered Barry unconscious lying on the floor of the cortex

Caitlin: Oh my god! Barry!

Caitlin immediately races over to her friend as she kneels down to him and checks his pulse but to her surprise she didn't find one as Cisco and Aurelia join her and all they could wonder was what happened to their friend and brother

To Be Continued...

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