Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I was glad to see Zayn wasn’t there. Danielle hip bumped me in and I was stuck. Everyone’s head turned to me. “Nice to see you again.” Harry winked.

“Everybody, this is Reagan!” Danielle said. “Reagan this is Louis, Eleanor, Niall, you already know Harry, and Perrie…where’s Zayn?” she asked, sitting next to me.

“He went to the bathroom to call somebody, he did that earlier too…I wonder who he’s calling.” My body froze. That must be his girlfriend. Light purple hair, big blue eyes. I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I’m sitting in front of her like nothing happened between Zayn and I. I feel like shit, honestly. My phone went off in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see who was ringing me up. I locked it right when I saw Zayn across my screen. Hoping nobody saw it, I slipped it back into my pocket.

“Where’d you meet Harry?” Louis asked.

“Well…” I turned my attention to Harry. “He saw me in Starbucks one day, but I didn’t even look at him before walking out. Then he saw me here and the rest is on a trail.” I shrugged my shoulders. They all starred at me intensely, making me a little nervous. It was like they were expecting something from me.

“Hey guy-oh.” Zayn starred at me, eyes wider than the moon. I stared back at him and gave him a nervous look. “Who’s this?” he asked.

“This is Reagan.” Danielle said.

“Hi Reagan, nice to meet you for the first time.” He shook my hand and held it tightly.

“I could say the same yeah?” I glanced around the table. Zayn slipped in next to Perrie and everyone continued in their conversations. I pulled out my phone and turned so nobody could see what I was doing.

To Zayn:

She pulled me into your booth, I was about to leave when she told me you were here, I should really go home though! L

His phone went off next to Perrie when I sent it, and I felt even guiltier. She’s gonna be even more suspicious because of him getting texts and going to call every 2 seconds! He looked at it and glanced up at me. “Oh, look at the time!” I exclaimed. Everyone’s attention turned to me. “I’ve got work in the morning so I really should be going. But thanks anyways guys…really.” They all put on pouty faces.

“But we didn’t even get to know ya’ a bit.” Niall said, with his mighty fine strong Irish accent.

“Yeah, stay!” Zayn nearly choked on his drink as Danielle pulled me back down.

“So, tell us…are you from New York?” she asked.

“No, I’m from Las Vegas, Nevada.” They all gaped at me.

“Really, it’s a nice place there.” Louis looked into thin air. I shook my head.

“It’s alright I guess, if you only stay on the strip you don’t really know what happens elsewhere.” They all nodded.

“What’s your job?” Zayn asked, smiling nicely. I could tell he was congratulating me still.

“I work at the Modeling Agency just a few blocks over…you know advertising and stuff!” Eleanor looked surprised.

“Really!? I’m a model.” I smiled at her, not knowing what to say. Eleanor is truly beautiful.

“You have the looks for it, really.. you’re all really beautiful.”

“Aw thank you!” she said, patting my hand lightly. “I could say the same about you, I mean your hair is pretty.” She pushed a lose piece behind my ear nicely. She’s really nice too, I could see myself being really great friends with her.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Harry asked.

“No, not anymore.” I mumbled quietly, not wanting to get on that subject…but of course.

“What happened to him?” Harry asked.

“Well we were together since the 5th grade until he was diagnosed with cancer…I think I’m just a magnet to attracting cancer.” All of their faces twisted into confusion, except Zayn. He looked at me sadly, biting his bottom lip.

“What do you mean?”

“Well he died just a year after my dad died of cancer.” They all looked down and I stood up. “I should really be going though; I don’t like to talk about my past.” Danielle got up without stopping me from going. And I walked out the booth, stuffing my hands into my pockets. I ran back up the stairs and waltzed out of the club.

“Reagan!” I turned around and Zayn ran out of the club behind me.

“Zayn what’re you doing here? You’re already hurting your girlfriend’s feelings.” I muttered. He walked up to me and just hugged me tightly, without saying anything. I stood there for a second, before wrapping my arms around his waist. He’s very skinny now that I mention it.

“I’m sorry love.” He whispered.

“I’m sorry too.” I mumbled, pulling away. “Now, I’d go back in there and show Perrie some attention. She really cares about you Zayn…I’m just a friend. Don’t care about me.” I backed away, stuffing my hands back into my small pockets again.

“I can’t not care about you Reagan, you’re important now.” I stopped at starred at him as he ran back into the club. I stood there, thinking about what he just said for a second. Why would I be important to him?

“Oh shut up.” I turned off my alarm clock and groaned, rolling over. Why is my alarm clock going off? It’s Saturday! I wined and rolled back onto my stomach. “I have absolutely nothing to do today!” I exclaimed. There was a knock on my door and I groaned again. I was just about to say I could sleep all day. I got up and pulled on some shorts before walking to the door. I unlocked it and pulled it open quickly. “WHAT!?” I exclaimed. I opened my eyes and there stood a guy holding a dozen roses.

“Uhm, sorry miss. Are you Reagan Norris?” he asked. I leaned against the door frame, about to fall asleep again.

“Yeah.” I mumbled.

“This is for you.” He handed me the roses. “Can you sign this?” he asked. I snatched the pen and scribbled my name on the paper. “That wasn’t the line, but ok…have a great day.” He said happily.

“Oh shut up, you’re way to happy at this time in the morning…” I looked at his name tag. “Joey.” He laughed and backed away.

“Just doing my job Reagan.” He winked at me before turning around. I closed my door and locked it. I set the flowers down on my counter and took the small card off. I opened it and read;

They all said they wished you would’ve stayed. They told Harry to find you again, so beware.

I’ll stop caring for you when these flowers die ;).


I smiled down at the red roses, as my eyes started to water. I ran my nose over them, smelling their sweet scent…and a bit of plastic. Probably from the wrap and stuff. I grabbed a cup and filled it with water; I dropped a tea bag in the water along with the roses. You ever see your mom putting flowers in water and they die anyways? Yeah, the tea bag helps them stay alive. How? I don’t know, my mom used to do it all the time when her flowers from my dad came in every Friday. I set them down in my window seal so they could get enough sunlight. I love flowers! And I love that Zayn cares about me. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. “Hello?” his voice said after 3 rings.

“Thanks for the roses.” He laughed.

“You’re welcome love. Just wanted you to know though.” My cheeks burned a bright red.

“I know now.”

Tell Me You Love Me ( Zayn Malik Fan Fic )Where stories live. Discover now