Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

I walked up the steps of the mountain that the limo driver told me to go. When I got to the top, I seriously was thinking I went to the wrong place. This is some Edward and Belle looking house, and I’m not lying. I stood there staring at the house with my jaw hanging open. I didn’t even notice Zayn sitting on the couch, his back facing me, watching TV. I slipped through the veil that led into the house, because the door was wide open. I left my suitcase and continued to try and sneak up on him. I covered his eyes, making him jump. “Guess who.” I whispered in his ear.

“You’ve never snuck up on me.” He said.

“I know!” I giggled, jumping around on my feet happily. “I did it!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands into the air. I turned around and fell over the couch. I did a flip and ended up on my feet again in front of Zayn. “I snuck up on Zayn!” I said happily.

“Yeah, that’s gonna be the only time too.” He said. I laughed as he stood up. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. “I missed you.” He said, playing with the hair going down my back.

“I missed you too.” I said honestly. I pulled away, and ran my fingers down his arms. I held his hands and gave them a tight squeeze. “So, what do you want to do?” I said, avoiding awkward situations.

“I don’t know, we can just hang out…I mean we have a whole week to do…anything.” He knows how to make things awkward.

“So how has life bben? Do you still have fans even though you’re 22?” I asked.

“Yes we still have fans and we’re on our 4th album.” He said. “We’re in the middle of the tour, just got done with the Europe part of it so I have a break.” He said.

“You guys are always having breaks.” I muttered. “So I went to the hotel I work at so I could tell them I’d be gone for a week, but Jacob already did that for me.” I said, flipping my hair happily. I looked back at Zayn who was rolling his eyes. “And as I was walking to my rental car a girl lifeguard caught up to me and was telling me that Jacob gets around and that she was one of his victims a week before me.” I sadi sadly.

“Oh…” Zayn said awkwardly.

“That’s not it…he took her virginity and said he was only looking for one thing from me.”

“You virginity.” Zayn guessed. I nodded my head. “Well just cheat on him, tell him, and break it off with him then maybe he’ll stop his ways.” Zayn said…making me wonder if he knew this lifeguard girl.

“That’s funny…she said the exact same thing.” I mumbled.

“Great minds think alike.” Zayn said.

“Well I'm not about to have sex with anyone so I'll tell him I cheated on him and just pretend I actaully did." I said, standing up and pacing the floor.


“What if the guy I thought was the right guy, wasn’t the right guy and he just left after I did have sex with him? I mean I don’t want to give any wrong guy anything do I? And I think you’re special enough for it because I know you won’t leave afterwards…” I said. “Hopefully.” Zayn raised his hand to my cheek.

“I’d never leave…and this is my house so.” Zayn shurgged, flicking on the TV

“Your house? Really!?” I asked

“When I want to get away from Perrie for a weekend.” He shrugged. “But ok.” He kissed me before I could laugh and I was pushed onto my back, listening to Spongebob laugh loudly. "Maybe one day when we're married, i'll take you away with me." he said.

"You really think we'll be married in the future?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know, but if we are then yes. If we aren't I'll make sure the guy you're with takes not only your virginity but your heart and doesn't let any other guy touch it." he kissed my chest lightly, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. "I''ll make sure he keeps you safe, and doesn't let anyone ever hurt you...and if he doesn't do that than I will."

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