Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Reagan.” Someone poked my cheek. “Reagan wake up.” I groaned and rolled over onto my back.  “Reagan, it’s Christmas!” I heard the voice of my 9 year old brother. “Reagan. Wake up!” I yelped out in pain after he punched me in my stomach.

“Bob!” I exclaimed. “Why would you do that?” I sat up slowly, still in the process of waking up.

“Mommy said time to open presents.” He sing-songed.

“Ok, I’ll be down in 2.” The small pitter patter of his steps ran away. I got up and pulled on some black sweat pants. I got out of bed slowly and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I walked downstairs slowly.

“Reagan! Here’s a present from…Z-a-yn.” My sister held out the small package Zayn gave me. I took it and sat down on the couch.

“Go on, open it.” My mom held a camera to my face. I ripped off the wrap and saw a small box.

“Who’s Zayn?” my brother asked, looking at his new games.

“Just a friend.” I mumbled, pulling the box open. My mom gasped loudly as I pulled out…”A locket?” did he really get me a locket, just like I gave him a locket. I guess it’s true, great minds do think alike.

“That’s not just a regular locket, it’s a time locket.” She sat next to me and leaned in closer than the camera. There was a small clock on the front, but it didn’t have something for me to open it.

“A time locket?” I questioned.

“It only opens at the day and time the person sets it to. They’re very, very expensive.” I pulled the gold chain over my head and ran my thumb over the small gold locket.

“It’s beautiful.” I whispered. I can’t believe we were thinking alike, only his is way more valuable and expensive.

“I wonder what’s inside of it.” She smiled widely. “Are you sure this Zayn is just a friend?” my sister asked again. Mind you, this girl is 9 and pretty much asking about my dating life.

“Truthfully, I don’t even know.”

“Hey mom, did you hear about Harry Styles from One Direction.” My sister asked, sitting at the counter bar. I glanced up at her as I cut the tomatoes.

“No, please tell me what happened Hunter.” My mom said while she continued making our Christmas dinner.

“Harry just Tweeted ‘Reagan would you be my New Years kiss?” my body froze instantly, the knife only half way through the tomato.

“What?” my mom looked at me. I know she was just pretending to care, but I wasn’t. Especially when he’s talking about me!

“Yeah, everyone’s wondering who Reagan is. Ha, it’d be funny if you were the Reagan, right.”

“I am Reagan!” I ran out of the kitchen, setting the knife down. I grabbed my phone and called Zayn, already seeing he’d been calling several times before.

“I guess you’ve heard about Harry.” Zayn’s voice greeted me through the phone.

“Yes, but thank you for the present. It’s really amazing.” I paced the floor of my old room. “When’s it going to open anyways?” I asked, trying to hide the fact that I’m more nervous than a cat over water.

“You’re just gonna have to wait aren’t you?” he laughed. “Are you pacing the floor?”

“How do you know that?” I stopped in my tracked.

“You sound nervous.” I was literally about to pull my hair out. “Don’t be, just have a Merry Christmas” he said sternly.

“Too you. I mean you too!” this is so frustrating.

“Calm down Reagan.” He told me.

“Zayn, I can’t calm down your friend’s going ballistic, he doesn’t even know me!” I exclaimed.

“I’ll talk to him.” I sighed of relief.

“Thank you!” I said, sighing deeply of relief.

“Call me later.” I hung up quickly and tossed my phone on the bed.

“Was that Zayn?” my mom walked in just as I was about to walk back to the kitchen.

“Uhm, yeah.” I told the truth. I’ve been feeling so untruthful ever since the first kiss Zayn and I shared. I know, I am lying but I feel like absolute shit.

“What were you guys talking about?” she grinned widely, as if she knew already what we were talking about.

“Oh he just called to with me a Merry Christmas.” I lied, again.

“Hm.” She hummed, turning around and walking back towards the kitchen.

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