Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I walked into the Modeling Agency Building and went straight to the receptionist desk. “Uhm, I’m here for the assistant’s job.” I told the young looking lady. She smiled sweetly and I returned the gesture. She walked into the room behind her and came back out holding a name tag.

“You were the first to apply, consider yourself lucky Ms. Norris.” I attached it to my shirt and she waltzed around the desk quickly, her heels clicking loudly. “You will be running many errands and even sometimes modeling.” We walked onto the escalator and it took us to the second floor. “You may hardly ever see the boss; you will check your email everyday and she’ll have something for you to do.” We started down a long, ongoing hall, and stopped at a door far to the end. She handed me a key. “And if you would much prefer work at home for a sick day, just call in to my desk and I’ll let her know.” I unlocked the door as she walked away. “Oh, and by the way.” I turned around before I opened the door.


“I’m Cathy.” She said. I pushed the door open when she was going and was most shocked with what I was seeing. Is this, my office? Instead of white plain walls, there were glass windows. I had the most brilliant view of the city of New York. I walked around the chocolate brown desk and sat in my computer chair. I turned on my iMac computer ad saw everything was pretty much set up. I opened a couple of drawers and saw everything I’d need, including a white iMac laptop. This job is amazing already! I logged onto my email account and saw I already had something to do.

Tell tomorrow’s photographer the cameras for tomorrow will be provided.’

There was a number set under it, and I pulled out my iphone to dial the number. “Please tell me something good.” A women’s voice said over the phone.

“This is Reagan Norris from The Modeling Agency, the cameras for tomorrow’s photo shoot will be provided.” She sighed deeply.

“Thank you for telling me that.” And she hung up without another word. Just how I like it, goodbyes just aren’t my things. Before my dad died, he told me to never say good bye. Goodbye means going away forever, and unfortunately he said goodbye before dying right in front of me. I’d rather much spare the horrible details. I propped my feet up on the desk and started looking over my schedule. Work Monday through Friday, 11-6. Lunch at anytime, when done with work….blah blah. My phone went off and I answered it without looking at the caller ID.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey Reagan.” My heart started beating faster when I heard his voice over the phone.

“Zayn.” I mumbled.

“Yeah, uhm…I just want to say I’m sorry.” It sounded like he was at a party or something, why couldn’t he just call later?

“No, it was my fault-“

“I remember me kissing you.” He cut me off.

“Yeah, but I kissed back.” There was a lapse of silence.

“Not a lot of people will admit that.” He whispered.

“Zayn, let’s just pretend it never happened. You have a lovely girlfriend, and I don’t want to get in between that.” I put it out there, straight and point black period.

“What ever you say.” Now he sounded like he had somewhere else to be.

“I have to go, gotta get back to work.”

“You got a job!?” he asked, now sounding like a friend.

“Yeah, it’s quite overwhelming…I work at Victoria’s Secret Modeling Agency!” I hissed happily.

“Really, nice! Are you gonna get to model?” he asked.

“I might, I’m really just doing advertising so…I’m kind of in charge of advertising the line and stuff.” I said happily.

“Well I hope you have fun love,” I thanked him. “Well, I’ve got to go now but text me later k?”


I shoved my phone into my jacket pocket and slipped past the guards graciously and into the club without getting caught. Ha! They should be way closer to the door. Music blasted through my ears and I looked over the railing down at the dance floor. This place was packed! I walked down the stairs, dragging my hand over the metal railings and pushed through the dance floor. I sat down at the bar and told the tender I didn’t want anything. “Haven’t I seen you somewhere?” A British voice said in my ear. I turned to my left and there was a guy sitting next to me. I looked him over, his curls seeming slightly familiar.

“No, I don’t think so.” I mumbled.

“Yeah, you’re that girl from Starbucks the other day.” My eye brows furrowed. “Remember, I helped you with that game, 4 pictures 1 word.”

“Oh yeah!” I remember it now, that guy I didn’t even get a chance to see before I was out the door.

“So, what’re you doing here?” he asked, getting comfortable in the stool next to me.

“Harry your name is?” I asked. He nodded his head. “I’m just here to have a good time.” I answered his question.

“Do you want to have a good time with me?” he flirted.

“Not at all.” I shook my head slowly. He checked me out quickly and stood up. I watched him walk away, I don’t know why I was being so mean to him. I should really stop, give him a chance. I need friends anyways, so why was I pushing everyone, but Zayn, away? I ordered some shots and a girl appeared next to me.

“I’m Danielle.” She said, holding out her hand.

“Reagan.” I shook it. What was with all these British people? Are they taking over or something. “Want a shot.” She shrugged and took the small glass.

“ My friend Harry.” She said after drinking it down with me. I scoffed, hearing his name. “Says you’ve been pushing him away.” She giggled.

“You’re Harry’s friend?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m his band mate’s girlfriend.” My face twisted in confusion. “Come on, you know One Direction.” My eyes widened. “Yeah! You know, Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn.” Zayn!? Zayn!? Harry is Zayn’s bandmate.

“Are they all in here tonight?” I asked. She nodded her head, smiling widely.

“We’re celebrating for their album, you’ve got to hear that thing.” She yelled over the music. I looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Zayn. “Hey you want to come to our booth with us?” she asked. I shook my head quickly. She grabbed my hand and pulled me away anyways.

Oh shit.

I thought. Shits about to go down! Not really, that just sounded good in my head.

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