Group Bonding

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The sands are hot. Not much of a problem for someone such as I, but to these people, it can prove deadly.

I think for a moment, then use my bending to create a small cloud above our heads, a technique used by my father, often when he leads expeditions.

"Hey, thanks for that." Says Katara, sighing in relief.

"For what?" Questions Toph.

"Oh, he made us some shade using his bending." Answered Katara.

Sokka leans in close to me and whispers "She's blind." To me.


That explains a lot actually. It seemed like something was off, it always looked like she was staring off, but now I know.

I slow my pace, and position myself next to Toph.

"So..." I begin. "You bend?"

"Duh, you really think I could hold that library without bending?" She asks.

"Well- no, I just didn't see you bend anything." I answer.

"I'm an earthbender, the best, actually." Toph smiles proudly.

"Oh so we have something in common, sandbending derives from earthbending!"

"I know that! Although I don't see the similarity, sand is too loose, I can't bend it at all!" She exclaims, her pride turning the frustration.

"Well yeah, you have to be more fluid and loose, sort of like Katara's waterbending. But I seem to have the opposite problem, I can't bend any more than small rocks."

"Like water..? Great, now I'm thirsty.." Her expression turns to exhaustion now.

I offer her my canteen. I made sure to fill it before I left, as does anyone out here.

She happily accepts the drink, and returns the container to me.

Right as I am about to offer a drink to the other two, Sokka asks Katara for some water, almost on cue.

"Ok, but we've gotta try to conserve it." She tells him.

She bends the water towards everyone, but Toph and I refuse the offer.

"You sure?" She confirms.

"I have some of my own." I say, and show her the canteen.

"Alright then." With this, the waterbender gives Sokka and the small creature a drink.

The boys face contorts. "We're drinking your bending water!? You used this on the swamp guy! Ugh!!" He tries to clear the taste out of his mouth, as Toph laughs.

I start to advance my pace, this time opting to speak to Katara.

"I know just the solution.." I hear from Sokka.

I pay no mind, and finally catch up to Katara.

"Guys look!" Sokka yells, getting our attention, except for Toph.

Sokka had a cut of cactus, preparing to drink the juice.

"No-!" I exclaim. But I was too late, seeing as he was already consuming the liquid. The animal copied him, also drinking a large portion.

"They have an effect on your head..." I continue.

Said effects seem to already be taking place, as Sokka says "Drink cactus juice, It'll quench you! Nothing's quenchier! It's the quenchiest!"

Katara looks obviously disappointed, but I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Who lit Toph on fire?" He slurs.

"Obviously I did!" I joke.

Nobody really laughed at my joke, and we continue walking.

Sokka keeps rambling on, this time asking "How did we get out here in the middle if the ocean?"

I stay quiet this time.

After walking through the desert aimlessly, I decide to try talking to Katara some more.

"So you and Sokka are both from the water tribes?" I ask

"He's my brother, we met Aang outside of our village and have been traveling with him since. He's the Avatar, I'm teaching him waterbending and Toph is teaching him earthbending." She replies.

"Oh, that explains the airbending then.. I heard they were all gone though."

"Aang was frozen for 100 years.. He's the last one. That's why getting Appa back is so important to him." The waterbender continues.

"So who exactly is Appa? he seems to be really close to Aang." I ask.

"He's Aang's sky bison. The air nomads share a really close bond with their bison since a young age."

I look away really quick from embarrassment.. I thought Appa was someone else..

"Oh.." I finish.

After our conversation, a huge explosion of sand booms not to far from us.

"What is that!?" Katara yells to us.

"What is what?" Toph asks her.

"A large explosion of sand." I tell her.

"It's a giant mushroom! Maybe it's friendly!" Sokka loudly theorizes.


It's now late in the day, and our water is almost exhausted, like we all are. Even I am starting to feel the pressure under the hot sun.

We try to persist and carry on in the hope of finding our way out.

Thanks to my familiarity with the harsh desert climate I was now leading the group, the others falling behind.

A small gust of wind and sand behind me signaled Aang's return.

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