This City Sucks

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After the drill, we finally start to head into the city. Thanks to all the rules, we had to take a train pushed by earthbenders.

I'm still sore from that whole ordeal. Hopefully we'll finally have some time to rest, my legs need it.

"Look! The inner wall!" Katara shouts from across me, looking out the window. "I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece."

"Hey! Don't jinx it! We could still some giant, exploding Fire Nation spoon. Or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean of killer shrimp." Sokka says from my right.

"You been hitting the cactus juice again?" Toph asks Sokka, on my other side.

"Yeah you seem crazier than usual." I add.

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm just saying, weird things happen to us."

A large man sucking on a full cob of corn walks past us, and sits down right next to Sokka. Aang is looking sadly out the window, resting his chin on the seat.

"Don't worry Aang, we'll find Appa." Katara assures him after noticing his mood.

"It's such a big city." Aang says.

"He's a giant bison, where could someone possibly hide him?" Sokka asks.

The area goes dark for a second, and we emerge from a tunnel. Finally in the city..

We all marvel at the sights through the windows. Well, besides Toph. I tell her everything.

"Just wait until you set your feet down, this place is so incredible.." I whisper to her, although she doesn't seem very excited.

It truly is. There are houses as far as the eye can see, and each one seems like a nice home. Most are even better than my village.

After a few moments, we arrive at a stop for the train, and we all exit.

Toph sighs. "Back in the city. Great..."

"What's the problem? It's amazing!" Questions Sokka.

"It's just a bunch of walls and rules. Just wait, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days." The earthbends says.

I understand where she's coming from to an extent, but I'm just glad to be able to relax for a while.

"Yeah but the more rules there are the more mischief there is to be made." I joke.

"Fair point." Toph says, smiling at the thought.

Aang blows into a small whistle, but no sound comes from it.

"I'm coming for you buddy." He says.

Katara walks to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"He's here, I can feel it." He tells the waterbender.

We see a woman staring at us with a wide smile on her face. A train goes by, and she walks towards us.

"Hello. I am Joo Dee. I have been given the honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se." She then turns to us. "And you must be Y/N, Sokka, Katara and Toph. Welcome to our wonderful city. Shall we get started?"

"Yes. We have important information about the Fire Nation army that we need to deliver to the Earth King immediately." Sokka say, clutching his bag.

"Great, let's begin our tour. And then I'll show you your home here, I think you'll like it." Says Joo Dee.

"Maybe you missed what I said. We need to talk to the king about the war, it's important." Repeats Sokka, frustrated.

"You're in Ba Sing Se now, everyone's safe here." The tour guide states.

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