Awkward Advances

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I wake up to the sound of something small hitting the ground hard. I open my eyes and turn towards the doorway. I jump at the sight of Toph right next to me, the adrenaline jolting me awake.

"Oh! It's just you..." I say breathing a breath of relief. "So now you do the sneaking into people's rooms? How the tables have turned."

"Shut it. I couldn't sleep, this place gives me the creeps, and I swear I can hear and feel people around the house all the time."

I sit up on the bed.

"I'm sure it's just the setting getting to you. I mean sure things here are weird but I don't think we need to take it too seriously."

"Yeah maybe you're right.."

She lays on her back atop the bed with her arms behind her head. I don't really like my space being invaded but I'm too tired, and I don't mind it since the bed has plenty enough room.

"So, wait, why are you in my room?"

She sits up a little but lays back down.

"I wanted to see if you were awake, obviously."

"Well I am now. What's up?"

"Just wanted to talk to you a bit you know? How do you feel about the city?"

I think for a second about her question.

"I'm not sure.. Joo Dee annoys me, and so does the separation of the people."

"That's the same way I feel! Hopefully we can just talk to the King and leave soon." She says.

I lay back too, now staring up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, but we need to find Appa... I know it wasn't my tribe who took him, but I still feel guilty, and it really hurts Aang."

"You think you feel guilty, imagine being the one who was supposed to protect him!"

She throws her hands up and them over her face. I sit up again.

"Hey, I was there. I saw how heavy that library was. No one blames you for it." I tell her. "Besides, we need you around. Your punching and sarcasm is probably the best part of the group."

She chuckles lightly.

"Yeah okayyy." She enunciates sarcastically.

"I'm not lying. I thought you could tell that from my heartbeat." I tell her.

"Well the bed is too soft." She answers.

She then then sits up and turns towards me.

"Turn over here."

I comply and shift my position. She reaches up and puts a hand on my chest.

"Now say it."

My face burns red, I'm happy she can't see it.

"I enjoy being around you." I say.

This time, she's the one who blushes.

"That's.. not what you said earlier."

"It's the same thing!" I laugh.

"Whatever.." She trails off.

She's definitely about to punch me. I tense my arm to help soften the blow. This makes it all the more shocking when, instead of a punch on my arm, I get a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait what?" I ask.

She punches my arm now.

And there's my punch.

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