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{Author Note: So uhh. The next part of the series has a time skip, and I don't really like those :p. However, I do like writing, and I've had an idea in my head, soooo I'm writing this chapter right after the gaang leaves the desert, but before the next episode.}

"I hope my dad got my message. I don't think I'm coming back, even though we all just left the desert. I just feel I've found my purpose, you know?" I ask.

Momo chitters and gets distracted by a small bug.

"Yeah that makes sense. Nice chat." I say, getting up from my spot in camp.

It's been quiet... Ever since Aang's incident we haven't talked much. I haven't known them for that long but this doesn't seem normal of them either.

"Alright! Time to go fix this because I'm bored!" I declare, still talking to myself.

I feel like Sokka will be the easiest to talk to, so I guess I'll start there. It's still sort of early in the day, so I bet Sokka is out hunting and doing warrior things.

Searching for him wasn't very hard, seeing as he likes to make loud noises and announce everything he does. He doesn't hear me, and so I almost get a club to the head.

"Oh, it's just you." Sokka says.

"You seem almost disappointed. Was there something important I'm interrupting?" I ask.

"Nah not really, I haven't been able to catch anything out here, they all get away." He tells me.

"Well perhaps I can help?" I offer. I don't have much experience in hunting but I'm sure it couldn't hurt, right?

"I think I'm fine, you can go do your thing.." The warrior says, waving me away.

That's... Kinda harsh..

"Hey is something up?" I ask.

"I don't know, is there?" He asks.

"What's that even supposed to mean!?" I ask, now getting frustrated.

"Look, I'll give it to you straight. The gang isn't so sure about you anymore." The nonbender tells.

"Not sure...? How so?" I ask.

"Well, back with the other sandbenders-" He starts.

"I told you I wasn't with them! I don't even know what tribe they were from!" I defend.

"Will you shut up and listen?? Back with the other sandbenders, you said you were helping us leave the desert." He continues.

"So? I did." I tell him.

This is confusing..

"That's the point, you did what you promised. So now we're all just kinda waiting around for you to leave.." The boy finishes.

"You all want me to leave?" I ask.

I really thought that maybe I would get away from my dad and my old boring life and get to explore.. I guess that the Avatar doesn't have use for someone as weak as me..

"No, no! We were expecting you to leave, you know, go back to your home, inherit your crown or whatever, blah blah blah." Sokka admits.

"OH! I see now, but... Sokka... I honestly don't have anything to go back for.. Being the chief's son honestly kinda sucks.. And besides, the old man's not THAT old yet." I lament.

"So basically what you're saying is we're awesome and you're staying?" Sokka asks, seeming to brighten up.

I chuckle.

"Yeah pretty much.. That, and I couldn't let you have all the cactus juice to yourself!"

Sokka laughs and begins to pull me tight with his arm around my neck, but we hear something in the brush.

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