True Faces

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We all sat in silence as we sailed. The tension is at an all time high now.

"The compass doesn't seem to be pointing North, at least not according to my charts." Katara says.

This is actually my first time being I'm control of a sailer, so I didn't know which way the compass pointed. Not to mention I'm terrible with directions.

Katara let's out a surprised gasp and points forward towards a large mound of rock.

"That's what the compass is pointing to! That's giant rock must be pulling the compass' magnet!" She realizes.

The center of the desert.. I've only heard stories, though I never really paid attention to them.

"A rock!? Yes!! Let's go!" Toph shouts in excitement.

That figures, it will be nice to get out of the sand, even for me.

"Maybe there will be water there.." Katara hopes.

Aang continues brooding.


We finally reach the top of the mountainous hill, and Toph sighs in relief.

"Aaaah, finally! Solid ground!" She says, laying down on the ground and spreading her arms and legs.

Good to see people being happy again.

The rest of the group decide to head into an entrance into the hill. It smelled somewhat sweet, with the walls lined with a sticky substance.

"I think I got the cactus juice out of my system." The warrior assures us.

"And look! Something to eat!" He then proceeds to dip his hand into the goop and shovel it into his mouth.

"Ew! It tastes like rotten penguin meat!" He quickly attempts to spit it out, Momo copying his attempt at eating it.

"At this point I believe he'll eat anything.." I say, half disgusted and half respectful.

"Hey I just have a natural curiosity." Sokka says defensively.

"I don't think this cave is natural.." His sister says.

"Yeah, look at the shape." Agrees Aang.

Sticky goop, sweet smell, giant hole... I think I may have remembered the stories.

"It's a buzzard-wasp nest! We gotta get out of here!" I yell.

My realization was too late, as when we start leaving, buzzard-wasps follow us, one after another.

We huddle together in a group, all prepared to fight the surrounding threat.

This isn't very good, my sand isn't the best for offense, Katara is low on water, and Toph can't fight what doesn't give her vibrations. Time to see what the Avatar can do.

Multiple bugs fly towards the group, and Aang quickly dispatches of them. One tries to land but Toph quickly sends it back into the air with her bending.

Another of the creatures dives between Sokka and Toph, and using the sound from the buzzing, she tries to crush it, almost hurting Sokka in the process.

"What are you doing!? You almost crushed me!" The warrior yells at the small bender.

"Hey she can't tell where they are if they aren't touching the ground!" I say in her defense.

Wait, that's genius! I quickly use my bending to fill the air with sand, making it hard for the bugs to fly, causing them to land. In that instant Toph crushes several of them.

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