The Big City

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As Aang fades away into the distance, I turn back to the group.

"Hey Suki, I just wanted to say thanks for saving me. I'm not sure many people would've had the courage to jump into anything that dangerous." I say.

"It was nothing, someone was in trouble, so I helped. Besides, you did the same for her." She responds, motioning towards Toph.

"Yeah, but she's mad at me for it.." I confess. "She told me I shouldn't have done it, and that she was fine."

"I was there, she definitely needed help, you did the right thing. I think maybe she's just too stubborn to admit she needed help." The girl tells me.

"Stubborn is sort of harsh.. I don't think that was it." I say. "I don't know what's up with her, girls are confusing..."

Suki turns her head around, then looks back to me.

"Hmm.. I don't know her much but she does seem difficult. Have you tried talking to her? Sometimes that's all a girl needs." Suki asks.

I think she might be insinuating something about her and Sokka as well.

"Yeah, we talk quite a bit about stuff, but she always seems either upset or just teases me." I say. "When I first joined up with the group, she yelled at me because she thought that I was leaving, and then yelled at me because I hadn't told her I was staying, but that was only because I didn't know!"

"Oh, I think I understand... Well don't worry, she doesn't hate you. Unfortunately, I'm. It sure that's the same for my situation.." Suki tells me.

Oh right, her and Sokka. I think I can help out a bit.

"You mean with Sokka?" I ask.

"Yeah.. Some stuff happened.. And I think he's trying to avoid me.." She says.

"I've already talked to him, he told me what happened." I start. "Believe it or not, he thinks that you're mad at him."

"Really? Why would I be mad?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is that he does like you. He's just a little conflicted. Just try to talk to him sometime."

"Thank you.." The warrior girl says. "Actually, I don't believe I know your name."

I didn't even think of that..

"Oh, right. My name is Y/N. I'm from the Hami tribe in the Si Wong desert." I introduce.

"My name is Suki, and I'm one of the Kyoshi Warriors. We're a group from Kyoshi Island who protect our village from outsiders. It's great to formally meet you." She says, and we shake hands.

Suki walks off to find Sokka, and I sit facing the water, wanting to be alone for a bit.

I've met so many people recently, and got to know them quite a bit. It's nice to have friends, but I'm getting tired out from all this social interaction. I think some time by myself is what I need. Maybe I'll get some in Ba Sing Se.

I then start to think about the big city. I wonder how things are there. My village was small, and everyone knew each other. There weren't many problems between anyone. At least, when I wasn't involved in starting it. We didn't have any type of army, or police force, so the most we got was a grounding. I bet there will be so many rules in Ba Sing Se. But maybe that's for the better.

I look around after completing my thoughts, and I see where Suki went. Her and Sokka were talking, and now they are sharing a kiss.

That's sweet.. Nice job Sokka.

I can't help but feel proud of him, and even myself for helping them clear things up.

I notice Suki starting to leave, and I wave her farewell.

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