Serpent's Pass

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While walking on the seemingly not so deadly pass, you notice a large shape in the water.

It's a large ship, with the fire nation logo on the sails.

"The fire nation controls the western lake. Rumor has it they're working on something big on the other side of it and don't want anyone to find out what it is." Suki tells us.

The father, who told us his name was Than, knocks a rock into the water, almost falling. Toph bends a small platform to catch the man.

"I'm okay!" He yells as the rock splashes into the water below.

The passing ship is alerted, and automatically starts firing at us. That's low, we clearly aren't even threatening them.

"They've spotted us! Let's go!" Sokka yells.

Aang launches himself into the air, and sends the first projectile back towards the ship, striking it.

The second shot hits the mountain above us, and the falling debris is hurled towards Suki. Sokka pushes his girlfriend to safety, and would have been crushed if Toph hadn't bent the mountain to save him.

"Suki! Are you ok? You gotta be more careful!" He warns the female warrior.

Sokka helps Suki up and they start to run.

I can tell Toph is upset with Sokka's single-minded priority and the lack of thanks. I almost gave her a thumbs up of approval.

After realizing my stupidity, I follow her away from the ships fire.


We've been on this path for a long time, it's already night. The moon was a welcome commodity. The same moon from home.

I turn around to check on everybody. Sokka and Suki were nowhere to be seen, the family was huddled together enjoying the night, and Aang and Katara were off at the opposite edge of the cliff. I then notice Toph coming right towards me.

She sits next to me, but doesn't speak. It's awkward for a moment, but I really don't know what to say. Man, this is why your single...

The small earthbender scoots closer, now only a few inches away from me. Kinda out of character for her..

"You ok?" I ask her.

"Yeah, just been tough, you know?" She asks. "I mean, we keep running into problem after problem, it seems like we never get a win. The only ones I can think of are meeting you and Suki."

I didn't think I had that much of an effect on the group, let alone Toph.

"So then I'm a win?" I ask.

"Don't get cute with me. I can tell when your heartbeat changes, remember?" She asks, teasing.

My face goes red. Yeah gotta admit I forgot about that...

"And there it is again." She says.

"It's only because I was happy that I have such an effect on the group!" I defend.

"Liar." She says.

This girl...

"Well whatever," She starts, yawning before continuing. "I'm too tired, I'm going to sleep. Come on, you're sleeping too."

"But what if I wanted to stay up?" I ask, but can't hold back a yawn of my own.

"Yeah, you sound wide awake..." She says sarcastically.

We return to the group, who was all settled for rest. I noticed Sokka and Suki, who have returned, but seeing as they weren't asleep and far from one another, I can only assume the worst..

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