New Mission - Atsushi POV

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Why did it have to be today? Why do I have to work with Akutagawa in the first place? All he wants to do is kill me, so why work with him?

Me and Akutagawa were walking. We had to capture a strong ability user. Unfortunately though, we don't even know what their ability is. Akutagawa just kept glancing at me. I just glanced back.

Then he finally spoke. "Quit glancing at me, Jinko." He said in an annoyed tone. "How about you stop glancing at me too!" I replied, annoyed by him acting like a hypocrite.

"If you're just gonna keep glancing at me, I'll-" he covered my mouth with his hand. "Shut up for once, Jinko. Anyways, we're at the place Dazai-San wanted us to go to."

I look in the direction he is. I see that we have, in fact, made it to the spot. He uncovers my mouth and starts walking to the building. I follow him there.

The building was abandoned, with many broken doors and windows, and a disgusting smell coming from somewhere there. It's probably a place people put trash since the building is so abandoned.

We finally get inside, and Akutagawa starts speaking again. "Lets search the place. There are four floors, so I'll take the top two and you take the bottom two, got it?" He asked, making it sound more like an order than a question.

"Whatever. Lets just search already." I reply, wanting to get this stupid mission over with. Why does Dazai even do this, putting the person who wants to kill me on a mission. WITH ME! It doesn't make sense.

We split up. Akutagawa walks up the stairs, but turns around before he leaves. "Use the communication device you were given if you need help, got it?" He questioned. "I know, I will. I'm not that stupid." I respond annoyed.

He turns back around and keeps walking. I start searching the first floor. I check all of the rooms and made sure everything was normal. As I'm searching, I hear a crash. It came from the second floor.

"Jinko? Was that you on the second floor?" Akutagawa questioned through the communication device. "No, it wasn't. I'll go check it out though." I respond to him, making my way to the second floor.

When I make it to the second floor, I see there's a door open slightly, a bit of light shining out of it. I slowly approach the door, preparing myself to be attacked. But as I enter the room, I don't see anyone. The room looks normal. Too normal.

Just then, the lights turn off and the door shuts and locks behind me. I turned around, but saw no one there. It was starting to get really creepy. I use my tiger eyes to see what's going on, but I still don't see anything.

I then feel a sharp pain in my side. I move away and feel the area where I felt the sharp pain. I look down at my hand and my eyes widen. I had just been stabbed and it had poison on it.

I fall to my knees in pain. I couldn't stand because of the poison. I look up and finally see someone, but it wasn't Akutagawa. It was our target. The dangerous ability user who's name we didn't know nor their ability.

"Well well well, if it isn't the weretiger. Another person to add to my collection! And a rare one at that!" The ability user said. All I could is listen, not being able to move. I was too weak.

Just then, I hear the door bust open. It was Akutagawa! "Jinko!" He started attacking the ability user, who dodged his attacks. He was able to get closer to me and helped me to my feet.

"How dumb are you. Getting stabbed on a mission. Especially with a poisonous knife!" He criticized the fact I had gotten stabbed. He was distracted from the ability user.

We heard a chuckle. We turn to see the ability user, smiling like a maniac. "What are you laughing about?!" Akutagawa yelled. "Don't provoke him, Akutagawa!" I argued with Akutagawa.

He turned his attention to me. "I'm not doing anything! I'm asking a question!" He defends himself. "It didn't seem like that!" I argued back.

We both just argued with each other. Neither of us payed attention to the ability user. The main target. As we were arguing, the room turned to complete black. We were confused.

We heard a voice. It belonged to the ability user. "Lets have a bit of fun! Here's how our little game works. You two have to...go through your very traumatic memories!"

790 words! That's a lot especially for the first actual chapter! But I hope you enjoyed it. And yes, I did end up posting the first chapter today instead of tomorrow. I also have no idea when I'll update next, but it'll be soon I promise!!

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