The Beginning of Akutagawa Ryuunosuke - Atsushi POV

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"WE'RE DOING WHAT?!" Me and Akutagawa say in unison. Those secrets that I keep under wraps. The trauma I don't tell anyone. That will all be uncovered. And the worst part is that Akutagawa will see them. My enemy.

"You heard me. This can spice things up. Unraveling your secrets will be a lot of fun!" The ability user stated. "Who are you and where are we?!" Akutagawa sounded frantic, as if he had something to hide.

"My name shall not be revealed, but my ability is amazing! I can trap anyone into their memories! They have to relive these memories to make it out! Once you're in, I can't take you out! It's amazing!" The ability user sounded crazy. They should be put into a psych ward.

"Since you guys are in this black room, you cannot escape until you go through the memories I choose you to go through." The ability user explained. "So since I think it would be fun, Akutagawa is gonna go first!" This ability user was crazy! As much as I'm curious, it's not a good idea to pry into other people's memories.

I turned to look at Akutagawa. For the first time ever, I saw him scared. He looked a lot paler than normal, and his eyes were wide open. He was genuinely terrified. And for once, I felt bad for him.

"Quick thing to explain, everything you touch here will not be affect the memory. You can enter rooms without anything changing. Now let's get started!" The ability user sounded very excited for this. We were then teleported to a strange place. This must be one of Akutagawa's memories. But where even are we? This place looks very old.

It was an abandoned building, much like the one we were investigating. Akutagawa walked into the building, and I followed soon after. He wandered around until he stopped in front of a room. He hesitated before opening the door.

Inside the room there were blankets all over the floor, a few of them bundled up to make pillows. In the far corner where there were no blankets, there was a fire. Around the campfire sat about eight children. They were all pretty young, but there was one child I could spot from a mile away.

It was Akutagawa. He looked about fourteen and seemed to be the oldest out of the eight children. Their clothes were not the best quality, but it seemed to get them by. I take a glance at Akutagawa. Was I seeing this correctly? Was the rabid dog of the Port Mafia... SMILING?!

He had a smile on his face, as if he reunited with a best friend from years ago. He slowly approached the fire, and I followed close behind. I was still thrown off by the fact he was smiling, but I pushed that feeling down.

We stand there in silence for a few minutes, watching the fire. Then Akutagawa broke the silence. "These were kids that I took care of when I was a kid. There were eight of us including me and Gin." I almost forgot Gin, one of the leaders of the Black Lizard, was his little sister.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I wanted to know answers, but after answering that question I regretted it. "I shouldn't have asked, actually. You don't have to tell me. My curiosity got the best of me by accident. Sorry." This information seemed private. I shouldn't be prying into his life like this.

"It's fine. This memory will explain what happens though." As he said that, his younger self stood up. "I'm gonna go look for some food. I'll be back soon" His younger self stated to the seven children. As he walked to the door, his little sister tugged on his shirt.

"Let me come! Please?" His little sister insisted. He didn't speak. Instead, he nodded his head, and his little sister celebrated. We watch the two siblings leave, and I wondered what was so traumatic about this memory so far.

Akutagawa turned back to the other kids. He looked sad. Another new emotion I have never really seen him make. He then did yet another thing unexpected. As the six children huddled up together, he hugged them. He let go shortly after and turned to me, his eyes starting to tear up.

"Let's go. I think it's best if we follow younger me." His voice slightly cracked, probably since he seemed on the verge of crying. I nod and we head out of the building. We walk around and soon see younger Akutagawa and Gin. They were picking berries.

"Brother! Brother! I found a pretty flower!" Gin showed off her beautiful flower. It was a light shade of purple. She gave it to her brother, who then put it in her hair. "It looks cute on you." He smiles

I smiled. I never knew Akutagawa could be this kind. It felt nice if I'm going to be honest. Akutagawa had a faint smile, which made me feel something. It was weird. I didn't understand the feeling. I ignored it. Gin hugged younger Akutagawa. But as they shared their cute sibling moment, a scream was heard.

873 words! This chapter would've been longer if I didn't decide to put the cliffhanger. I might post more often this week because I'm kinda bored. Even if I don't, I will definitely post on Friday. But I thought I would just publish it now. But thanks for reading!

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