Blood Runs Thicker Than Water - Akutagawa's POV

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⚠️TW: mention of suicide and self harm⚠️

"So, that was all I had for Akutagawa! But we know who's next~" the ability user stated. Atsushi looked a bit scared for what was to come, but that was understandable. Who doesn't get scared when going through their traumatic experiences?

The room automatically shifted to a house. That was unusual for Jinko knowing that he always talks about his orphanage. But why are we here?

Then I saw him. He looked about seven or eight years old, and he was honestly adorable. That's normal to say about your enemy, right? I know I get weird feelings when I'm around Jinko, but I think that's normal, isn't it? I don't like to overthink it.

He was sat there, watching a show on his tablet, when I heard a woman's voice call for Atsushi. "Atsushi, dear, can you go get your brother for me?" She said. Atsushi looked up from his tablet. "Sure, mom!" He replied.

So that was his mom? That's some very new news. He cheerfully got up and walked upstairs. The present Atsushi rushed upstairs too, so I followed. "Wait, that's your MOM?!" I was still shocked. He hesitated before answering.

"Yeah, she used to be so kind too." He looked sad now. "Used to be?" I asked. "Yeah, she flipped one day and hasn't been the same since." He continued upstairs. "What day was that?" I wondered. "Today." He stated.  

I was shocked. I know today must have been scary, but I didn't think enough to change a person to the exact opposite of what they used to be. We finally made it upstairs, his younger self having already gotten up there and walked to a door.

He knocked. "Hey! Come on out! I think dinner is ready!" He shouted. There was no answer. He knocked again. "Big bro? Are you asleep?" He asked. No answer again. He decided to walk into his brother's room. "Hey! What are you doing you-" he cut himself off.

He stood there for a few seconds, and then there was a scream. A piercingly loud scream. I covered my ears. I heard someone run upstairs. It was his parents, looking concerned. "Atsushi, what's wrong?" She entered the room, and looked in shock.

His father followed her in, and also stood in shock. His mother started crying hysterically. "MY BABY!" She screamed. She just kept repeating those words as Atsushi's father ran into the room urgently. Both the younger Atsushi and his mother were sobbing.

I turned to look at Atsushi. There were a few tears that fell onto his face. He slowly approached the room, and turned to look inside. I followed him to the threshold. I turned to look in the room, and almost screamed myself.

In the room, there was a boy about the age of fourteen lying motionless on the floor. There were open pill bottles around him and a pool of blood. He had multiple stab wounds and even more deep cuts on his arms, legs, torso and neck.

I could tell he did this to himself, but why? Why would he leave behind a peaceful looking life? I saw a folded piece of paper on the floor. As his mother was crying, the young Atsushi went and grabbed the paper, unfolding and reading it.

He started crying as he read it. "What did the note say?" I asked. "I can show you if you want." He said quietly as he pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket, handing it to me. I take it and start to read it.

Dear Atsushi,
I'm so sorry. I tried to stay strong for you, but sadly I can't take it anymore. I need to tell you, though, that mom and dad have been fighting recently. They have become pretty bad, and I wanted to stay to keep you safe, but my plan failed after mom finally hit you. I knew then and there that my time was up.

I hope you have the best life ever, and that you do not get hurt by mom or dad. Find a nice girl or guy if you are gay or something, and live a long and happy life. Have a prosperous life, and whatever you do, do not show this letter to mom and dad.

I will love you forever,

When the little Atsushi finished reading the letter, his mom noticed him. She walked up to him, snatched the paper out of his hand, and read it quickly. She looked furious. She turned to Atsushi and slapped him across the face.

He looked back at his mom shocked. I was also shocked at his mother's sudden move. "Mom? Why did you slap me?" The young boy had a quiver that was very clear in his voice. He looked on the verge of tears again.

"If it wasn't for you your brother could still be here! You should've been a better brother to him so he wouldn't die!" His mother screamed at him. "But I didn't-" he got cut off by another slap across the face, but this time it was his father who did it.

"Be quiet. Go to your room and stay there until we tell you to come out." His father was a bit intimidating. Atsushi hesitated, but then walked away, locking himself in his room. As I listened closely, I could hear the quietist song come from him.

The room went to black. Atsushi was just standing there, in an unfocused state. "So, that was fun! One of your most unique memories, Atsushi!" The ability user stared talking again. He chuckled, and then did not speak after that.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about your family? I asked. I knew he kept secrets of his past, but nothing this big. "I just didn't think I should talk about it." He claimed. Even if he was vague with his statement, I understood what he said.

"Just talk to me when you want to." I tried to comfort him. For once in my life, I was severely worried about him. He gave a sad smile, but then seemed to zone out again. As for me, I awaited for his next experience to come.

1044 words! These chapters just keep getting longer and longer. I don't think I'm ready for the next episode tomorrow because of chapter 109, but I'm just gonna deal with the emotional damage. Also, because my dumb ass decided to join a lot of clubs and stuff, I don't know if I'll be posting as often as I want to, but I'll try I promise! But anyways, thanks for reading!

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