The Monster in the Shadows - No One's POV (10k read special)

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GUESS WHO IS BACK!!!! I was aware when checking through all of these comments that someone said I should do a chapter where Dazai and Atsushi talked since Atsushi said he would have a conversation with Dazai in one of the chapters, but I didn't really think about it at the time.

BUT, recently I reached 10k reads and I swear I was jumping around my room in joy! Thank you guys soooooo much for 10k reads! So, as a 10k read special, I will write the additional chapter for how their convo went! Again, thank you so so so much for 10k reads! I honestly did not expect this to be as successful as it is! Anyways, let's get on with the story!

⚠️Warning: talk of child abuse and sh!!⚠️

It has been two weeks since the incident. The two lovers had been taking it slow, but overall were really happy to be with each other. The work around the agency has been almost normal since the incident. Almost.

Dazai was casually sitting on his chair, acting as lazy as ever. But he noticed something strange out of the corner of his eye. He saw Atsushi, which was obvious because Atsushi's desk was adjacent to his, but there was something strange about his expression. He seemed...mad. Furious. For Atsushi, that is far from normal. Usually he would be happy and caring, but never has he been angry. At least, not this angry.

Atsushi was doing his work, which by "his work" that means Dazai's work, when he gave him a quick glare. Dazai was quick to notice this. Did he do something wrong? Maybe he was upset about doing his work? Yeah, that had to be it! That must be the cause...right?

At a nearby desk, Ranpo sat there, enjoying the show. If there was one thing that would distract Ranpo from Poe's latest novels, doing detective work, and his precious sweets, it would have to be drama against other agency members.

Ranpo was a king at gossip. Since he is really smart and can basically predict the future, it wasn't too difficult for him to know all of the latest drama, especially when he knew about it before it happened. This day was no different. He knew the tension, even if it was only one person making it tense.

He knew exactly how Atsushi felt and what he was thinking, which was why, for once, Ranpo was somewhat concerned. He knew how kind people could have a mean side and blow off steam on someone, and he knows that Atsushi was no exception. If anything, he was praying that Atsushi would keep Dazai alive.

When the clock struck 5pm, Ranpo rushed out of the office faster than his battle against the gravity manipulator, or fancy hat as he would call it. He lived for the drama, but he knew when to draw the line. He would only hope that Atsushi would spare him.

Dazai started to pack up his things to leave, when he was suddenly stopped. He realized that it was Atsushi. But he still had a weird expression. Now Dazai felt slightly stressed. What would you expect? His student was mad at him for something. That could not be good at all.

He shook off the feeling and kept his composure and put a smile on his face. "Is everything alright, Atsushi?" He questioned, trying to act as normal as possible. Although, knowing Dazai, that would be nearly impossible.

"We need to talk." Atsushi ordered. He seemed very urgent to talk about it. It was unusual to Dazai. He had never seen him so urgent to speak to him. "Alright!" He cheered. In fact, he was confused. Why would Atsushi need to talk to him so urgently. What would it even be about?

Once everyone had left the office, Atsushi turned to him, staring at him with eyes like daggers. Then Dazai realized just how serious this would be. This definitely was not about the extra work anymore. "So, what is it you need?" Dazai asked calmly.

He wasted no time to question him back. "So, Dazai, exactly what happened between you and Akutagawa back in the Port Mafia?" He suddenly stated. Dazai's expression quickly changed to shock. Out of everything in his life, this was the last thing he expected to be asked about.

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