A Bigger Secret - Akutagawa POV

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⚠️TW: child abuse⚠️

When we finally shifted to a new place, it was, for once, a peaceful looking place. The sky was clear, and the garden we were in looked beautiful. The multicolored flowers in the flowerbeds made it look even nicer.

And, for the first time since we started all of these traumatic memory tours, he smiled. It was a sad smile, but I honestly missed it. At this point in my life, I gave up on trying to shake away my thoughts. Seeing him at least a bit happy made me happy.

I looked around a bit more until I spotted a little boy. He looked about eight or nine years old and was wearing a white shirt, white shorts and shoes. Everything he wore was white. The only thing that want white was one strip of black in his hair. He was reading a book, but I couldn't see the worn out name on the front.

He reminded me of someone. And that person I despise with my whole heart and soul. And speaking of that person, I suddenly hear him talk behind me. "Atsushi, what are you doing out here?" The man was Shibusawa. Jinko kept a straight face, but the look in his eyes showed the fear he has for the man.

I glare at the man with hatred, even though Jinko looked back at me looking like he was going to pluck my eyes out if I did anything. Shibusawa seemed different though. He looked like how he did when we fought him, but he had a kinder look in his eyes.

"I'm okay, Shibi! I'm just reading!" Atsushi said, his voice filled with joy. He put the book down and ran up to Shibusawa, hugging him tightly. "What's for dinner?" The boy asked curiously. "You'll see! I think you'll enjoy it very much!" The man said. I could see the slightest hint of greed in his eyes, but the child could not tell.

"Okay then! Just tell me when dinner is ready!" Atsushi claimed before heading back over to his book. But before he could sit down to read, Shibusawa grabbed his arm. "How about you come with me now? I have a little surprise for you!" Shibusawa suggested. The more he spoke, the more furious I got.

"Okay Shibi!" Atsushi exclaimed as he took Shibusawa's hand and left."I don't think I'm gonna like what's gonna happen next, will I?" I stated. "You would be correct on that." He said simply. I realize now that I've become nervous over his safety, but that's never happened to this level before.

I snap out of my thoughts as Jinko walked away. I quickly followed behind him as we followed the two people in front of us. The walk was silent, the only things to be heard were the animals outside and the crunching of leaves and sticks under our feet. The farther we walked, the more suspicious I became. What was Shibusawa planning?

We finally made it to the place Shibusawa wanted to bring Atsushi. The building looked quite abandoned, but it looked like efforts of rebuilding were visible. And, unsurprisingly, the rebuild process seemed to have failed. Otherwise, the building looked to be untouched by anyone.

The young Atsushi was the first to break the silence. "An abandoned building? Did you bring me here to ask me to help?" The boy asked, excitement filling in his voice. "Uh yeah...totally. We're gonna have a blast!" Shibusawa seemed hesitant on what he told Atsushi. Another thing to check off my list of suspection for Shibusawa and his plan.

They walked inside, and me and Jinko followed them in. They wandered around until they appeared in front of a door. "So, are we starting the renovations here?" Atsushi asked. "You'll see." Shibusawa stated flatly. Both me and Atsushi had a look of curiosity on our faces while Jinko just halted at Shibusawa, who had a smirk on his face. He looked like a madman.

Shibusawa opened the door, which revealed an empty room that had only a chair in it. "It's an empty room? No windows to fix and the paint looks fine. What renovations are needed here?" Atsushi asked curiously. "I want you to do something for me, okay?" Shibusawa asked, but it was more of an order than a question.

"Okay! What do I need to do?" Atsushi questioned. "I want you to sit in that chair in the middle of the room" Shibusawa ordered. Atsushi nodded and sat down in the chair. The second he sat down, his arms and legs were chained to the chair. He looked at the chains in shock. "Shibi..." he started to say before he was cut off. "It's Shibusawa." He said annoyingly.

Atsushi looked panicked, but stayed silent. Shibusawa grabbed a helmet type device and placed it on the boy's head. "Perfect." He claimed. He walked over to a corner of the room where there were many monitors. "It was nice knowing you, Nakajima, but this shall be our farewell. I have no use for you now." He stated nonchalantly.

He then pressed a button on a remote control, and the room lit up. The chair was the one causing the light. That was no ordinary chair, it was an electric chair. The electricity made its way up Atsushi's body, making him scream in pain. Jinko turned away, looking panicked.

I decided to go up to him and try to calm him down, which worked. He took a few deep breaths and turned back to the scene unfolding in front of us. He then spoke. "That man...he's the reason why I have issues." He stated. I was shocked. He clearly gave more trauma to Jinko, but I would've expected most of the trauma to come from his headmaster.

The young boy started shaking in the chair, a blue Crystal releasing from his body. Shibusawa watched in fascination. He went to grab the crystal that was in Atsushi's body, but Atsushi got to it first. He grabbed the crystal in front of him, turned into the weretiger, and used his claws to slash a huge scar across Shibusawa's face.

The man stood there in shock as everything unfolded. I did the same. Shibusawa fell to the ground, and it was clear to tell that he had died that instant. I was more shocked than before. I never knew that he had actually murdered someone. The tiger disappeared and Atsushi's body fell limp to the ground.

Then a man entered through the door. It was the headmaster. He walked up to Atsushi, who was surprisingly still conscious. He lifted his head up to see the headmaster, but passed out before he could speak. The headmaster lifted up the young boy and carried him out of the room.

The room shifted, but it was not the dark abyss we were used to. We were back in the abandoned building where we were meant to attack the ability user. We felt relieved, but it did not last. Standing in front of us was the ability user. He was wearing a black cloak, his face covered to the point where any angle would keep his identity concealed.

"Looks like you two survived!" The ability user joked. Atsushi was clearly annoyed and ready to attack. "I believe you guys should be rewarded for your challenge!" He stated excitedly. He then took off his cloak. We stand there in shock. The man in front of us was the person I would least expect to be here. I stand there in shock, and Atsushi screams.

1,272 words. Jeez these chapters are long! I almost lost motivation but I did it!! I think next chapter might be the last chapter sadly, but this has been such a fun story to write. And I am super thankful for all of your support! But anyways, thanks for reading!!

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