New mission- Akutagawa's POV

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"This is so stupid" I thought as I glanced over at Jinko, very annoyed with him. Even though I want Dazai's approval, I don't know if working with Jinko is the best option. I wish I had permission to kill Jinko, but I cannot because of that promise.

I noticed that Jinko was glancing at me, so I decided to point him out. "Quit glancing at me, Jinko." I told him. He started ranting off, but I just tuned him out. I was not in the mood to listen to him trail off.

He ranted for a couple minutes before I spotted the place we were meant to find this stupid ability user. I cover his mouth with my hand to shut him up.

"Shut up for once, Jinko. Anyways, we're at the place Dazai-San wanted us to go to." I told him, annoyed by his ranting. I just uncover his mouth and walk towards the building. He follows me. How annoying.

We walk into the building. It looks and smells disgusting, and there is a lot of trash around the place. "Lets search the place. There are four floors, so I'll take the top two and you take the bottom two, got it?" I tried to make it sound like a question, but it was more like an order.

"Whatever. Lets just search already." He replied. He sounded so annoyed but I didn't really care. I start to walk upstairs, but stop and turn to him. "Use the communication device you were given if you need help, got it?" If I'm gonna be honest, I was pretty worried for him.

"I know. I will. I'm not that stupid." He sounded annoyed with me. I was just trying to look out for him this one time and he decides to be an asshole. I just turned around and headed upstairs.

I started checking the top two floors, but there was nothing. Until I heard a loud crash from the second floor. I decide to talk to Jinko over the communication device, hoping that it was just him being clumsy again.

"Jinko? Was that you on the second floor?" I asked, hoping it was him. "No, it wasn't. I'll go check it out though." He replies. I start to feel a bit more worried.

I wait at the third floor, wondering when he would just tell me there was nothing there. I start getting a bit nervous. What would happen if he died? Would Dazai-San hate me for getting Jinko killed?

I decide to use the communication device again. "Jinko, what's going on down there?" I asked him. I wait a minute for him to answer, but I get no reply.

I keep trying to communicate with him, but it doesn't work. I decide to go check on him on the second floor. As I head down, I hear a door shut. I can tell that it came from the second floor, so there could be a chance it is either Jinko or the ability user.

When I make it to the second floor, I start trying to listen for Jinko. I then heard someone fall to the floor. It was a pretty quiet fall, but loud enough for me to hear.

I speed to the room and open the door. There I see Jinko on the ground, who had been stabbed. "Jinko!" I scream, feeling a bit worried. I use Rashomon to try attacking anything near Jinko.

I hear someone move away, they probably thought I was trying to attack. In reality, I was making sure the person was far away from Jinko so I could help him with his wounds.

I run up to him, helping him to his feet. I realize that he had been stabbed with a poisonous knife. Thankfully the poison is more of a temporary paralysis poison then a deadly poison.

"How dumb are you? Getting stabbed on a mission. Especially with a poisonous knife!" I didn't mean to sound like I was criticizing him, but I do that out of habit.

I heard a chuckle and turned to look at the ability user. He looked like a maniac with that stupid smile on his face. His laughing made me furious. "What are you laughing about?!" I yelled. I couldn't stand this maniac's laugh.

"Don't provoke him, Akutagawa!" Jinko got mad at asking a question? How pathetic. I turn my gaze towards him, not caring if the ability user was right in front of us.

"I'm not doing anything! I'm asking a question!" I tried to defend myself. I know I shouldn't have yelled, but I couldn't help it! I was raised to do that by the mafia! "It didn't seem like that!" He continued to argue.

We both went back and forth with each other, not paying attention to the ability user or what he would do. We were too mad at each other to care. While we argued, the room turned to complete black, darker than the room we were just in.

We looked around confused. We heard a voice. It belonged to the ability user. "Lets have a bit of fun! Here's how our little game works. You two have to...go through your very traumatic memories!"

877 words! Honestly, I thought this chapter would be a lot shorter! I might post more on like Tuesdays and Saturdays, but I don't know. I will post on Friday though because it's my birthday next Friday!! I also saw that I have quite a bit of reads so yay!! Anyways, thanks for reading!!

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