The Blossom of a Feeling - Atsushi POV

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The man lifted his hood. I stared in shock, and then screamed. I couldn't believe it. The one person that haunted me since I was a child. The one I longed to see the most in my life. I wanted to curl up and cry, but I stayed as strong as I could. But it wasn't long until the man spoke.

"It's been a while, dear brother." Those words did not sound like the older brother I used to know. That was not the Atzhi Nakajima I grew up with, played games with, the other brother who I know died when I was only seven years old.

Akutagawa then spoke. "So you're his older brother. The one that was at least supposed to have died eleven years ago." He claimed. "Bingo! Looks like my baby brother got quite the smarty pants while I was gone." Akutagawa was clearly confused, and so was I. All I knew was that he was not exactly talking about a friendship of sorts.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I ask, slightly blushing since I had an idea on what he was talking about. "Oh please, you know what I mean." That was all he said. The blush on my face grew as I realized what he was trying to imply. Akutagawa started blushing as well, but I didn't really understand why.

"Isn't it nice to see your older brother again though? I thought this would be an amazing surprise for you, Atsu!" He exclaims. Akutagawa turns to me. "He calls you Atsu?" He asked shockingly. "Yeah, but I don't think that's the point right now." I answered.

"I know I abandoned you, Atsu. But you have to understand why I did." Atzhi sounded serious this time. I stayed silent for a few moments before asking the question I had wanted to ask for years. "Why? Why did you abandon me? Why did you have to leave and make my life a living hell? Why, Atzhi, why?!"

I went into a sort of panic. Seeing my brother stand in front of me thinking I would forgive him so easily?! That was bullshit! Absolute bullshit! Tears started to form in my eyes, but I didn't dare to cry. I needed answers. I needed to know what his intentions were.

He hesitated before he explained. "You knew mom and dad were always fighting. I wanted to protect you and myself. You don't realize how much I wanted to take you with me. But I knew that we would both get caught if I did. So I faked my death. I'm really sorry, Atsu, but you need to forgive me!" He sounded desperate.

"You really thought I could forgive you easily?!" I rolled up my sleeves, showing the multiple scars on my arms. "These aren't even all of the scars that people have given me. They're from mom, dad, the headmaster, Shibusawa, even myself!" I was on the verge of shouting.

He stared at me wide eyed, and Akutagawa did the same. "Atsu..." he started, but I cut him off. "Save it. I don't wanna hear it! If it weren't for you I wouldn't have been hated by everyone! I fixed my life and I did it without you so save it! Save your apologies, save your verbal gifts, save it all!" I was at a low yell.

I couldn't keep my anger in. Practically my whole like has been a living hell because of my brother. I wanted to punch him, but the only thing keeping me from doing that was knowing that Akutagawa would stop me before I could.

"I know you won't forgive me, Atsu. I know I couldn't be there for you, but I can now. I've built a group of sorts and I want you to join with me." He claimed nonchalantly. Me and Akutagawa stared in shock. After a few moments of silence, I started to laugh.

I laughed and laughed, sounding like a madman. Atzhi and Akutagawa just stared. I finally was able to say some words. "You think you can manipulate me into joining you in a stupid group?! Now if all times?! You're ridiculous and idiotic if you think for one fucking second I would actually consider joining you, my older brother who abandoned me, to join your stupid little group!" I snapped at him.

The two men stared at me wide-eyed. After a minute it two, Atzhi started to talk again, sounding pissed off. "I never knew you could snap like that, Atsushi, but I wasn't asking. Without you, we can't be strong." He commanded. "Oh please, you were clearly fine when you abandoned me!" I kept that part of the argument going, never daring to drop it like it was nothing.

"Don't you realize that I was doing it for your own good? Why don't you get that?" He questioned. "No. You were doing what was best for you. I shouldn't have been put through that hell, and you know that." I complained. He stood there, just thinking. He then had a huge grin on his face. Then he said something that I knew would put me in a panic.

"Imagine how disappointed mom and dad would be at you right now." The second he said those words, I pinned him against the wall, choking him. "I don't ever want to hear you talk about those two again. Those people are not my parents, nor should you even refer to me as their son." The burning flame of rage in my body only got bigger and bigger.

I gripped his throat tighter and tighter to the point where he couldn't breath. I was about to fully suffocate him until a hand grabbed my arm. It was Akutagawa's hand. "Atsushi, you need to calm down." I stared at him in shock. I never heard him call me by my real name before. I was so shocked that I didn't even realize that I had let go of my brother's throat. He stabbed both of us, or at least tried. I had gotten stabbed, but Akutagawa used demonic armor to protect himself.

The knife was covered in poison again, but it wasn't some temporary paralysis poison. This was the type they would use on me at the orphanage. I clenched my wound as my brother laughed like a maniac. Akutagawa rushed to my side to try and tend to my wound. "See this, Atsu! This is what was meant to be! I never cared about if you joined or not! I'll take you back to my base one way or another!" He was acting psychotic.

I thought I was going to pass out, but just then I heard sirens outside of the building. There was a knock at the door and people rushed in, including Dazai, Chuuya, Kunikida and Yosano. Yosano rushed to my side and healed me using her ability. I was happy that they were here, but I was also confused. Who called them?

The police grabbed my brother and put him into handcuffs. As they were walking him out, my brother was able to talk to me. "I forgot to do this for eleven years, but happy birthday, Atsu. I hope you have an amazing life. And make sure Akutagawa treats you right. Clearly you both love each other even if you don't admit you do. I love you, little brother."

He gave me a sad, faint smile before being escorted out of the building and put into a police car. Now I remember. The day he faked his death and abandoned me with my abusive parents was on my seventh birthday. The anger in my heart turned into sadness, as the tears in my eyes started to fall.

Akutagawa was holding on to me, trying to help me stand up. Once he was able to get me into a standing position and saw me crying, he pulled me in to a big, warm hug. He asked everyone to leave, and they did. The only people in the room were me and him. I just stayed there in shock before he spoke.

"You can cry if you want. No one is here to judge." That's when it hit me. I started crying and I realized everything. The feeling in my heart and stomach that I couldn't figure out, it was love. I was in love with him and I could sense by the sweetness in his voice that he loved me too.

After crying for a while, i started feeling sleepy. He looked at and smiled. "I'm guessing you're tired?" I nodded. "And by how shocked you were earlier, I guess you and I realized our feelings for each other." His face was a bright red. I nodded again with a smile on my face. "Let's get you home then." We walked out of the building, hand in hand, not as enemies and not as friends, but two newly found lovers who cared and loved each other deeply.

1,503 words. Cheers to the end of the series...SIKE! This isn't over yet! I know some people might not be too happy at me for lying to them, and I understand that, but I had to! This time I'm not lying, but the actual last chapter is next week. I am so thankful for all of the support and reads I have gotten! I do have another surprise next week, but you have to wait! Anyways, thanks for reading!

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