Approval - Atsushi POV

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The room changed again. We were surrounded in boxes. A storage room? I look around confused, but Akutagawa just stands there. He knows what's to come, but what's gonna happen?

The place was big and dark, with only a few windows with light from the moon shining inside. Many storage boxes were lined up against the wall, looking a bit messier as if they were placed improperly in here.

As I looked around, I heard the door open. In stepped the younger Akutagawa. He looked about fifteen, too young to be here. The second person that walked in was Dazai. My mentor.

I almost forgot that he used to train Akutagawa. I really need to improve my memory. Akutagawa just stood there, glancing between his younger self, Dazai, and, for some strange reason, me.

"Let's get to training, shall we?" Dazai asked. Akutagawa just nodded, but waited a few minutes to ask a question. "Just out of curiosity, but why are we here? Isn't the training room down-" he was cut off by a punch to the face.

I stare in shock as Dazai punched Akutagawa, making him roll all the way across the room. He started coughing up blood because of the impact. Even Akutagawa looked pretty shocked.

"You talk when I tell you to talk, understand?" Dazai asked in a very harsh tone, making the young Akutagawa flinch. "Yes sir" he replied. He sounded scared.

"How old we're you, Akutagawa?" I wanted to know. I needed to know. "What?" He was confused. "How old we're you when he started doing this?" I added more detail.

He was silent for a minute. "I was technically still fourteen, but since my birthday was a few days away at this time, I would just round to fifteen." He explained. He sounded...nervous? Scared? Maybe both.

"You shouldn't have gone through were a kid..." I know that he needs help, but this is horrible on so many levels. This almost reminded me of...that man. That horrible, vile, crazy man.

I shake the thoughts out of my head. I shouldn't be focused on that man nor myself, I should focus on making sure Akutagawa was alright. Clearly, he wouldn't be alright. Not when he was treated like this.

"So, let's now begin our training. And no asking ridiculous questions like that." He sounded terrifying. This was clearly not the Osamu Dazai that's been training me.

"I'm gonna have a talk with Dazai when we get back." I was pissed off. Who the hell thought it would be smart to hurt a child! Especially the person I trusted! This is wrong on too many levels.

Akutagawa just nodded. The younger Akutagawa nodes at Dazai's request and they began training. Akutagawa tried using his ability against Dazai, but his  Rashomon was useless against Dazai's nullifying ability.

Dazai would just touch Rashomon and punch or kick Akutagawa. He did this repeatedly, downgrading Akutagawa every time he did it wrong. He judged him for his reaction time and even the fact he let his guard down for a second to stand up.

After their so called training, Akutagawa was passed out on the floor, basically bleeding out. Dazai looked super pissed. He pointed his gun at Akutagawa, ready to shoot and see what would happen, when someone kicked the gun out of his hands.

It was Chuuya Nakahara, one of the Port Mafia executives and Dazai's ex-partner. "What the hell is your problem!" Chuuya ran up to Akutagawa, using his gravity manipulation ability to carry him.

"We were training." Dazai rolled his eyes at Chuuya. "You call this training?! You abused the living shit out of him! He's fourteen for fuck's sake!" Chuuya argued. He was not happy with Dazai.

"I was treated the same at fourteen! It's what I'm used to!" Dazai complained. "Imagine how Oda would feel if he found out you did this." That clearly struck a nerve in Dazai.

"What would you know about Oda?! He's my friend, not yours!" I have never seen Dazai so mad over a comment. It was almost as if he had two sides to him. The thought of that kind of scared me.

"Oh please! All you two do is drink with Ango! He's the lowest ranking mafia member!" Chuuya exclaimed. "So? He's so nice and can somehow eat spicy curry but that's not the point!" This felt like it would go on forever!

"Whatever! I'm taking Akutagawa to the infirmary and you are not going to hurt him again, understand?" Chuuya sounded like an overprotective mother. "The least I can do for you is not hurt him as badly, but this is training!" Dazai explained.

"I'm done with this conversation. Also, just know this, apparently Gin was outside watching the whole thing. That was not a good thing for her to witness." Dazai just stared in shock.

Akutagawa had the same expression on his face as Dazai did. "What a eavesdropper!" Dazai sounded like a little kid. Gin came out from behind the door and walked up to Chuuya and Akutagawa.

"Is he going to be alright Chuuya?" Gin said, basically whispering. "He will be alright. Now lets get him to the infirmary." Chuuya tried lightening the mood for Gin as he wakes out of the room, carrying Akutagawa on his shoulders.

The room turned back to black. How many times would we do this? "So, that was all I had for Akutagawa! But we know who's next~" the ability user exclaimed.

The scariest part is coming. What would this ability user show? Why does he have to show my horrible days? Those days I never want to talk about. All I could do is prepare for the horrible storm of my past mistakes to hit me once again.

967 words! I honestly thought this chapter would be short, but I guess not. I've honestly started running a bit low on motivation, but I will still publish chapters! And thank you for 77 reads (at least last time I checked). It means so much to me! Anyways, thanks so much for reading!

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