Attempt at Revenge - Atsushi POV

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The siblings let go from each other. They are clearly scared by the noise. The younger Akutagawa quickly stands up and runs near to where the noise was with Gin following close behind.

Akutagawa took a deep breath before speaking. "We have to follow them." He stated. He looked scared. He knew what was about to happen, but what exactly was about to happen. Where did that scream come from and what did Akutagawa see?

All I do is nod, turning around and following the younger two to where the noise was. Akutagawa was following behind. He was going slower than before, but it looked like he was doing it on purpose. Whatever happened really fucked him up, didn't it?

It wasn't too long until we reached the abandoned building. The two children ran inside, but Akutagawa was just standing there, staring at the building. "Akutagawa?" I ask. He snaps out of his trance.

"What?" He responds, sounding a bit scared and worried. "Are you ready to go inside?" I try to make him feel better. He just stares at me, looking surprised. He hesitates, but then answers. "Yeah, I'm ready" he responds.

We walk into the building. We then heard a piercing scream and then a sob. We quickly run into the room to see something horrible. On the floor were the eight children Akutagawa had hugged earlier. They were covered in blood.

They had been murdered. They were beaten up and murdered. So this is why Akutagawa was scared to go inside. This is why he hugged the children earlier and almost cried.

I watched as the younger Akutagawa siblings sobbed over their friends' deaths. They stopped crying eventually, and Akutagawa was the first to talk. "I have to go find those murderers." He stood up and walked to the door, but shin stopped him.

"Let me go with you. Please." She sounded desperate. Akutagawa sighed. "Fine. But stay close behind. I don't want you getting hurt too." He face looked worried. She nodded and they both left the building.

I look at Akutagawa. He just stared at the bodies. "Are you alright Akutagawa?" I ask. He just nodded, not taking his eyes off the corpses in front of him. He didn't even try to hide the tear that fell down his face.

This is when I realized he wasn't actually alright. I did something that even I wouldn't expect to do. I hugged him. I hugged my enemy. I knew my big heart could do crazy things, but I didn't expect this would happen.

He looked shocked. "Are you...hugging me, Jinko?" His voice cracked. He was definitely about to cry. "Obviously. I can tell you're not okay. You don't have to stay strong."

This shocked him. He hugged me back. He held me tight, and so did I. We stayed like that for a minute before he pulled away. "Thanks Jinko." He sounded sincere. "No problem! It's the least I could do!"

"Lets follow them again." He claimed, and I agreed. We soon found the children hiding behind a tree with people talking a few meters away. "Stay here." The younger Akutagawa ordered.

Gin nodded and Akutagawa pulled out a knife. He rushed in, about to attack whoever was there, but stopped and stared in shock. I walked next to the little boy and stared in shock.

There were about seven dead corpses on the ground. They were brutally killed just like the other little kids were. And sitting on top of a rock was no other than Dazai, my mentor and Akutagawa's ex-mentor.

Dazai jumped off the rock and approached Akutagawa. "You're the famous rabid dog, right. What was your name again? Aku-" he got cut off. "It's Akutagawa Ryuunosuke."he quickly stated.

They stood there in silence for a minute until Akutagawa asked a question that, if I'm going to be honest, almost made me tear up. "Can you give me a reason to live?" He asked. Dazai just smiles at him.

"Of course I can. I can take you and your little sister there." He pointed behind a tree. To my surprise, Gin was hiding behind the tree, clearly listening into the conversation. She looked terrified.

"Gin? What are you doing here?" Akutagawa asked. "I thought in case you got hurt, I could help. Sorry." She apologized. "Don't be sorry." He gave a small smile to Gin, who smiled back.

"So, will you take my offer?" Dazai asked. "Yes. If it's fine with you, Gin." Akutagawa responded with no hesitation. Gin just nodded in agreement. "Welcome to the Port Mafia, Gin and Akutagawa!" Dazai sounded a bit happy even though he looked serious.

"Here." He put his coat over Akutagawa's shoulders. "You seem really cold. I hope it keeps you warm" he smiled at Akutagawa, who nodded in thanks. Dazai led them away from the dead corpses on the ground and faded away.

Everything turned to black again. "Looks like the first part of Akutagawa's trauma is over!" The ability user exclaimed. "First part?" I ask. "We have one more to go! I'll give you two a break real quick though!"

The ability user's then faded away. "Promise you won't tell anyone about what you see?" Akutagawa suddenly asks me. "I promise as long as you don't tell anyone about mine as well" I replied. He nodded. This was going ti be a long day.

903 words! I know I'm posting this a bit later in the night, but I have been so busy because today is my birthday! I'm only going to post on Tuesdays now because I feel like I'm posting too fast, but there will be another chapter next Tuesday! Anyways, thanks for reading!

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