Aftermath - No One's POV

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It has been two months after the incident at the abandoned building. Akutagawa and Atsushi had decided to tell everyone from the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia about their relationship. It was unexpected to everyone that they would get together, but everyone was supportive.

Yosano and Ranpo claimed they knew from the start that they would most likely get together, and even made a bet on who would admit they were in love first. It wasn't surprising that Ranpo won the bet because of his Ultra Deduction, but everyone was mainly surprised that they made the bet in the first place.

Chuuya, Dazai and Gin weren't shocked at all. The three could tell that they were in love, and even went as far as to ask when the wedding was as a joke. It wasn't too much of a shock to Akutagawa and Atsushi though, as they were the ones they would mainly talk to about their feelings.

Kyouka was very over protective about the whole thing. She basically threatened Akutagawa, and she had to be calmed down by Kenji. Although she thought that Atsushi was too kind to be with Akutagawa, she just wanted Atsushi to be happy. She later accepts Akutagawa, but never lets him forget about the threat she gave him.

Kunikida was the one who wasn't very accepting. He had always believed that Port Mafia members could not date members from the Agency. He did not think that their relationship was a good idea at first, but then realized that they were clearly very happy together, and wasn't very mad about the whole thing.

A week after they told the Agency and the Port Mafia about their relationship, they decided to move in together. They chose to live in a nice apartment that is pretty close to both the Agency and the Mafia base. Gin and Kyouka ended up moving in with Higuchi. They got settled into their new apartment just fine, and honestly enjoyed it more than they expected.

Atsushi was relaxing on the couch when Akutagawa walks in, looking slightly nervous. "Can we talk?" Akutagawa asks nervously. "Yeah. Is everything alright?" Atsushi questions in a concerning tone. Akutagawa takes a deep breath before continuing "It's about your parents." This put Atsushi into a state of shock. He hadn't heard about his parents in years.

"Apparently they've been trying to contact you, and found out how to through your brother." Atsushi never forgot about his brother. He was put into a state-of-the-art prison, and he visited him quite often with Akutagawa. "They've been talking to me recently, and they wanna see you again." Akutagawa stated.

Atsushi didn't even hesitate to answer. "When can I see them?" Akutagawa was slightly shocked. He didn't expect Atsushi to be so immediate to see his parents, even after the hell they put him through. Even so, Atsushi had a look of determination in his eyes, and Akutagawa couldn't resent at all even if he wanted to.

"We can go see them right now if you want." He claims. "Then let's go!" Atsushi stands up quickly and puts on his shoes as quick as he can. Akutagawa does the same. They get the address from his parents, and they drive to the place they were asked to go to.

It wasn't too long until they arrived at the house. It was a nice two story house. It was a nice white color and had many colorful flowers aligning the base of the house. They quickly get out of the car and go up to the front door. Atsushi was going to knock, but he seemed hesitant.

"It's okay. If anything happens, I'll make sure you're safe." Akutagawa reassured him. Atsushi smiled and finally built up the courage to knock on the door. A nice lady answers. Her hair was starting to go gray, but there were still some strands of her long black hair showing through the gray. When she saw Atsushi, she was shocked. She clearly didn't expect him to show up.

"Hey mom! It's been a while, hasn't it?" Atsushi said nervously, taking Akutagawa's hand in his and squeezing it tightly. "It has. How about you two come in." She motions for them to enter, and they do. They take off their shoes and follow the woman to the kitchen. There sat a man who's hair was the same color as Atsushi's.

He looks up from his newspaper, and he gave the same shocked look on his face as his mother did. He stands up and rushes up to Atsushi, giving him a tight and long hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you! How have you been?" His father asked quickly, clearly excited to talk to his son

"It's been alright. And I'm guessing you know that Atzhi's in jail?" He asks. "Sadly, we got to visit him recently though." His mother stated. "Now both of you, sit down and we can talk about stuff. I even made tea for the occasion." She claimed as she poured tea into different tea cups. This got Akutagawa excited. "This is gonna be amazing!" Akutagawa whispers in Atsushi's ear before sitting down.

Atsushi was hesitant, but eventually sat down next to Akutagawa. "So, how have you been, Atsushi?" His mother asked in a curious tone. "I've been alright. I joined the Armed Detective Agrency, and I love it there." He explained. His parents were surprised, knowing that the Armed Detective Agency was a highly ranked special ability agency in Yokohama. "Well I'm happy for you." His dad smiles at him.

"And who's your friend here?" His mother asks, indicating to Akutagawa. "Akutagawa is actually my boyfriend." Atsushi stated. "Knew it." His dad said. Atsushi looked at his father confused. "How did you know?" He asked. "I can just tell you're somewhere on the gay spectrum." He claims straightforward. "I'm glad you found someone, Atsushi." His mother stated.

Their faces then turn into a sort of sad look. "Atsushi, I know we didn't treat you right after your brother faked his death, be we wanted to apologize for everything. We don't expect you to forgive us, but please at least think about it." His mother explained. Atsushi just smiled at them. "I already forgave you years ago." He stated. "You did?" His father asked. Atsushi nodded in response.

"I know you guys couldn't stand the fact your son had passed, and the only thing you thought of to take your anger out on was me. But I've blown past that. I can't stick myself in the past forever." He claims. His parents look at him relieved. "We're glad you forgave us." His dad said. "Well, I think we have to go, but it's been great to see you guys again." Atsushi says. He gives them both a hug while Akutagawa gives them a handshake.

They head out of the front door and to their car, where they drive back to their apartment to relax. Dazai and Chuuya monitored the whole thing. "Do you think it was a good idea for Atsushi to actually forgive his parents? And don't you think him stating that he's in a relationship with Akutagawa gonna make his parents mad?" Chuuya asks. "Atsushi knows them better than we do. We just have to make sure he stays safe. But one thing is for sure, those two are gonna be just like their mentors." Dazai claims, holding Chuuya's hand.

"That is true." Chuuya states. "They'll be the best double black there is, I have no doubt." Dazai says. The two hop onto Chuuya's motorcycle, driving away through the beautiful streets of Yokohama, knowing that they have raised their subordinates right. They know that they'll be happy forever, for nothing can break such a pure relationship like Akutagawa and Atsushi's.

1,307 words! These weeks have been amazing writing this fanfic for you guys. Thank you all for the support you have given me. I really appreciate all of the reads! Now for the surprise, I'm making a Soukoku fanfic. I might publish the introduction and first chapter next Tuesday, but there is a possibility I'll release it the Tuesday after next Tuesday. So, for the last time on this fanfic, thanks for reading!

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