Chapter 25

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Theo still can't believe he signed up for therapy. What was he thinking? Sitting in a room expressing his feelings. What is he an emotional unstable person?

"So, tell me Mr.Raeken, what brought you here today?" The therapists asked. She is wearing a white shirt, with a long baby blue skirt that reaches her ankles. She is very pretty, if Theo must say so hisself.

The therapist knew the exact reason Theo went to go see her, but she wants to hear him say it, so he knows what he has to say and not be in denial.

"Well..." Theo starts. He is clearly having second thoughts. "I was at school, and there was a school shooting. The person that caused it, came to where I was and I would have died if the police hadn't shot them dead."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that alone Theo." The therapist voice was full of sorrow, Theo actually felt happy he signed up to talk to her.

"I actually wasn't alone. I was with this kid name Liam."

"Oh. Is he, she, or they your friend?"

Theo wishes.

"No, he isn't my friend. More like a peer, but I'm hoping we can become friends."

"Tell me about this Liam."

"He is a kid that attends the same college as me, he is short, crazy hair, and he plays lacrosse — but he didn't make the schools team..."

Theo probably should have left that last part out, he thought.

"...He is always hanging out with his friends Mason and Corey."

"Tell me more about him."

Theo felt like he could go on and on about Liam for hours.

"He's very dorky, he has anger issues, and he pushes people away during hard times."

"Do you like this Liam?"

Wait what??!?!

"What do you mean?" Theo asks his therapist, clearly getting nervous as his hands start to feel sweaty.

The therapist smiles her biggest smile. She has pretty white teeth. "The way you were talking about him, I saw the gleam in your eyes. Like you would do anything for him."

"No. We hate each other at the moment."

"But you like him?"

This therapist is starting to do to much, Theo thought.

"No, I don't like him. He is a jerk who ruins things."

"I'm sorry but let me stop you right there, Theo when you signed up for me, the school sent me your file. It shows that you saved him from getting expelled. That means something."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"It does. It shows that you care."

Does Theo really care about Liam? But Liam has always made Theo smile every time he thought about him. But he hasn't felt happy ever since his sister died. Even when he was 'with' Tracy.

"I'm done here." Theo walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him.


Late at night, at Theo's house, Theo and Liam are in Theo's room laughing with each other. They are watching a movie on Theo's computer.

Theo has a sudden urge to tell Liam about what happened at therapy... With leaving out a bunch of details like that the therapist said he likes Liam.

"How was therapy today?" Was Liam reading Theo's mind because Theo was about to tell him about that.

Theo chuckles. "I was just about to talk to you about that, um... It was fun I guess. We talked about the shooting and about how I felt. It was starting to become too much and I left."

Liam doesn't say anything.

Why isn't he saying anything?!?! Did Theo admit too much?

"Maybe I should sign up for therapy... I had another episode of anger today." Liam confesses.



"Just because you are having a bad day doesn't mean it's your disorder." Theo tells Liam. "I noticed that every time you have a fallout, everyone around you always claim it's IED. But at times you just been having a bad day, and taking your anger out on something doesn't have to be because of your disorder."

Liam chuckles. "You're right, because these past three weeks after the shooting has been tough. Especially for me and you — and everyone else that was in that building... I don't know, I just want to forget all what had happened."

Theo gets an idea. "Maybe I can help you with that."

A couple of hours later, Liam and Theo are really drunk — like blackout drunk. They had drunken all the beer stash Theo's dad has been saving.

They are dancing in the middle of the street, having music blasting from one of their phones. They both are feeling free from the pain they have been feeling.

And for that exact moment, they have forgotten everything. The shooting, the pain... It was just those two being together, and they couldn't have been more happier.

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