Final Chapter 40

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After 2 days of being in custody court, today is the last day of Liam getting his answer if he is staying with his mom or dad.

Day one was about Liam, Scott, and Allison telling their own sides of the story to the judge and jury. Day two was about what's going to happen after what's being decided by the jury.

If Liam stays with Allison, he is mandated to see Scott every weekend, and if Allison refuses, she goes to jail.

If Liam stays with Scott, Allison goes to get help with her postpartum depression, and Tierny stays with Scott.

While waiting for the last trial to begin, Liam's palms are sweaty. He has his support: Scott, Isaac, Lydia, Mason, Corey, Hayden, Theo, Hikari, and Tierny with him, but he's still nervous.

"It's going to be okay, it's gonna work out in your favor," Theo tells Liam, intwining their hands together.

Liam smiles at Theo's sweet gesture, and the warmth his hand gives off. Liam is happy that Theo is by his side, through everything that has happened during his first year of college.

He is so - -

"It's time," Scott said, looking nervous. He rubs his hands up one-another trying to mask his sweaty palms.

"Let's do this." Liam said.

The big brown double doors to the courtroom opens by two police offers — one on each side. Isaac walks in first, with others in pursuit.

"It's okay, when the jury votes in your favor, we're gonna celebrate after prom. Just the two of us. Movies, food, maybe something naughty..."

Liam chuckles at Theo's suggestiveness.

"...Whatever it is, we'll celebrate."

"Okay," Liam said, leaning in to give Theo a good luck kiss. He has the best boyfriend in the world, and he wouldn't trade Theo for anyone else.


"Has the jury come to a decision?" The Judge asks the jury. The judge is a man in a black robe, pale skin with his skin being so wrinkle that Liam thought he was a clothed pants getting hung up after getting out of the wash machine.

"Yes, your honor." One out of the seven jury people, says. "We the jury has decided that Liam Dunbar full custody goes too..."

Liam's heart is racing, his palms are sweating again. He needs to touch Theo, and hear Theo say that the judge is in his favor again.

Liam's eyes goes to Scott's who is shaking, and being nervous with fear. Their lawyer, who is showing no type of emotion in his crisp navy blue suit. Liam can't tell by the way Allison looks by how far she is across the room, but he's hoping she is terrified.

Liam turns his head back to look at the spectators behind him. His friends giving him the thumbs up, Isaac, Tierny, and Lydia giving him warm smiles, and Theo... Theo giving him heart eyes, with a warm small, mouthing 'I love you, you got this.'

Liam has no clue how he learned to lip read, but all he does know is that he - -

"Meeting is adjourned." The judge smacks his gavel on his sound block.

He was so lost in his head, that Liam didn't even hear the jury's answer.

He looks around the room, and that's when he knows what his answer is.

He is...


"ITS PROM TIME!" Mason and Corey yells in unison, infront of Liam's dorm room.

Liam places his hand over his clothed chest, trying to calm down from his jumpscare. "You both are terrible."

"Good," Mason barges into the room, with Corey following in pursuit.

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