Chapter -2

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He loved her only her.

He held affection solely for his wife and the child she carried, and no one else in the world.

As tears filled in his eyes, he felt an unbearable lump in his throat, a painful tightness that made each breath difficult. His mind replayed the haunting moments with brutal clarity-the image of holding his unborn child, lifeless and fragile, in his arms. Each memory of his wife, still and a beautiful in her forever sleep, cut through him like shards of glass.

He tried so hard to wake her up from her deep sleep, trying to wake her up, but her hands deep cold in his hold kept getting slipped through his own hand. The emptiness of her touch, once so warm and full of life, left him with a painful solitude.

Oh! How much he curse that day.
That day!
That wretched day.
The very day that took every thing from him. And left him with this gut wrenching loneliness.

His heart felt heavy with the memories of those moments, and the memory of that terrible day stayed with him all the time. Whenever he looked at an empty chair or felt a quiet moment, it reminded him of the emptiness left behind by his family.

Time moved forward, but the pain stayed with him like a close friend, always there to remind him of the love that had been taken away suddenly.

"Each day, he wakes with her memory and each night, he rests with her on his mind. 'She was my everything,' he murmurs into the darkness, 'and now I am but a dark shadow without her.'

he often mused, 'If only I could have saved her. If only I could have saved her from that fate.

But now when he has learned to stay and live with her memories and has decided to spend his life loving her and only her.
And to punish himself for making her suffer.

His parents wanted him to marry another girl.
Another girl who was supposed to be wife of his brother.
A girl who was left behind by his brother.
The one which has been left at the altar whether it was her fault or not he didn't care.

He didn't care and neither wanted to care how her parents will be disrespected. Or how their image was in stake in front of the society.

He was only here to attend his brother wedding but suddenly not knowing how he was standing on pedestal again. Everyone expecting from him to make everything alright at the cost of his own peace.

The weight of his parents' expectations bore down on him like a heavy weight, suffocating any piece of his own desires. 'Must I sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of honor?' he wondered bitterly.

But his mother.
She was crying in front of him. Her eyes welled with tears. She was ashamed of her son actions and only way she found to overcome the problem was destroying his life.
"Putt kar le oh se vyaah, mai tere hath jodti hu". Only words she had been repeating since an hour.

Her reason was that she also was a mother of a girl and would not want the same to be happening with her daughter. She wouldn't want those bad karma arising out of her younger son actions. And let a innocent girl life be destroyed by his actions.

Despite his lack of interest, he couldn't help but feel the weight of her pain as she wept in front of him. The sight of her tears was a stark reminder of the conflict between his own desires and his family's expectations, a conflict that seemed impossible to resolve.

How could he betray his wife. The women he has promised to love and cherish for seven lifetimes. How could he even consider replacing her.

The fear of making that decision and the consequences it might bring haunted him. What would happen if she tries to replace her and what if she succeed in doing that. That would hurt his wife. That would break his wife heart, that some another girl was trying to replace her and he let it happen. He could not break the vows given to her. She was only one for him. Only one that he loved and will love.

But his mother. Oh his sweet, innocent mother he could not bear to see her suffer. He couldn't see her crying. He loved his mother even if it means he had to give up his life for her. And this only was his mental peace, his promises.

He felt really confused, because he had strong feelings pulling him in two different directions. On one side, he cared deeply for his wife and had promised to love her forever. On the other side, he loved his mother a lot and couldn't stand to see her unhappy. This mix of emotions made his heart feel heavy and complicated, like a big mess that he didn't know how to sort out.

And in the end his love for his mother won he agreed to marry her for the sake of his mother. He just wanted to see her happy.

Even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness, he was willing to do it. 'If bringing a smile to her face means giving up everything else,' he thought with resignation, 'then so be it.'

Even if from his useless life he could do something which would make his mother happy he would do that. Because he had no one of his own instead of his parents. No one.

He could not hurt them like his younger brother. He had to be better than that to pull them out of that misery.

He agreed.

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