Chapter - 7

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Two days had slipped by since the relatives had left the house, leaving behind a palpable stillness in the house

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Two days had slipped by since the relatives had left the house, leaving behind a palpable stillness in the house. It was as if the weight of their absence had settled in every corner, echoing the sound of her own footsteps as she moved about. Among those who remained in the house were her in-laws and her husband, the three people who shared this quiet and lonely house with her.

In those two days, she had found herself crossing paths with her husband only in some moments. His presence was brief, marked by the sound of the cupboard opening and closing as he took his belongings, and the routine gatherings at the dining table during meal times. Each time they sat together for dinner, she couldn't help but feel her gaze drawn towards him.

However, as always, he seemed to exist in a world of his own, his attention reserved for his plate and the food before him. Her attempts at conversation were met with monotonic responses – a vague "hmm" or a simple "okay." It was as if she was speaking to someone else and not him, her words fading into the distance without making an impact.

Despite the growing familiarity of their surroundings, the sense of awkwardness between them continued. She found herself struggling with the conflicting emotions that his presence stirred within her. There was a curiosity, a longing to understand and know the person who was now her husband, but at the same time, his deliberate indifference left her feeling invisible.

The days had taken on a certain routine – the silent conversations and presence of her in-laws in the background, the so many tasks that filled her hours, and those some moments when she shared the same space with him. It was a routine that seemed to mirror the larger pattern of their marriage – distant coexistence, marked by unspoken words and unknown emotions.

She couldn't deny the pang of disappointment that accompanied his indifference.

In the quiet moments when they crossed paths, there were no words exchanged, no attempts to bridge the gap that had formed between them. It was as if an invisible wall had been erected, separating them even further. She couldn't help but wonder if this was the status quo that would define their marriage – a silent coexistence accompanied by total avoidance.

As she moved through these days, her emotions were a mixture of carelessness and curiosity. She had resigned herself to the reality of her situation, understanding that her husband's behavior was unlikely to change. At the same time, a part of her remained curious about the reasons behind his distant demeanor.

Despite her attempts to busy herself with household chores and activities, her thoughts often drifted to him. She found herself stealing glances when he was unaware, observing the rigid set of his shoulders and the focused expression on his face. There was an air of mystery surrounding him, and she couldn't help but wonder if there was more to him than met the eye.

 There was an air of mystery surrounding him, and she couldn't help but wonder if there was more to him than met the eye

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One evening, as they sat down for dinner, she couldn't resist breaking the silence that hung heavily between them.

"Are you enjoying the food?" she asked, trying to start a conversation.

He looked up briefly, his expressionn as if she has asked for his life, irritated . "It's fine," he replied irritated, focusing back on his plate.

She bit her lip, feeling a pang of frustration at his dismissive tone.

Her mother-in-law, trying to bridge the growing gap, suggested hesitantly, "I was thinking, why don't you both go out for a movie tomorrow? She hasn't had a chance to get out since the wedding."

He paused for a moment, irritation and anger evident on his face looking, he looked at his wife direction for a moment before turning his gaze to his mother, as if she has asked for him get married again.

"I don't have time for that. I've got things to do," he finally said, his voice distant. Her heart sank slightly at his response, but she acted unaffected, focusing on her food trying to hide her disappointment.

"Okay, maybe another time then,"His mother sighed, clearly disheartened but not willing to talk further

The conversation fell into an awkward silence, and she continued to eat, trying to mask her hurt.

One day, as she went about her tasks, her mother-in-law's voice cut through the quiet of the house. Turning to face her, she saw a serious expression on her mother-in-law's face. It was as if the older woman had been contemplating something important.

With a gentle but direct tone, her mother-in-law asked, "I know that you both were married into this union without your will. And I know that he isn't giving you any chance to know him or let you get close to himself but please be patient he is good man and will one day know your importance."

For a moment, she felt a mix of surprise and uncertainty. It was as if her mother-in-law was unaware of the circumstances between her and her husband. She hesitated, not sure how to respond, before finally managing a soft, "it s ok, It doesn't affect me. I also just want to exist without causing him any trouble."

Her mother-in-law's gaze remained steady, her eyes searching her face for something. Then, she spoke with a calmtone, "Whether you want it now or not, both of you are bound by your union. This marriage is a reality that neither of you can ignore."

Her words hung in the air, carrying a weight that couldn't be dismissed. It was a reminder of the obligations that came with marriage, regardless of how unexpected or strained the circumstances may be. She felt a mixture of resignation and determination within her – a recognition that this was a truth she couldn't escape.

As her mother-in-law walked away, she unknowingly reflected on what was said by her. The older woman's words had touched upon a truth that she had been avoiding. The days of avoidance and silent coexistence couldn't continue indefinitely. Somehow, they needed to find a way to bridge the gap between them, even if it seemed like an difficult task.

 Somehow, they needed to find a way to bridge the gap between them, even if it seemed like an difficult task

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