Hallelujah my ass

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I was lead down halls when they opened two doors and I saw so many boys and girl my age

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I was lead down halls when they opened two doors and I saw so many boys and girl my age. Or least around my age.

"Reyna!" I hear
I looked to see minho running towards me
"Minho, what's going on?" I ask
"We weren't the only maze." He says pulling me towards everyone. As I get there I hear a kid explaining what happened in his maze
"There was this big loud explosion, and these guys came out of no where. Started shooting up the place." As he spoke I sat down next to thomas
"It was intense." The other boy said.
"They pulled us out the maze and brought us here." He added
"What about the rest?" Newt asks
"The other people left behind in the maze, what happened to them?" He adds
"I don't know," one of the boys answered
"I guess, Wicked still has them." He adds
As the boy says that I feel Thomas hand grab mind under the table. I look up at him and give him a quick smile.
"How long you guys been here?" Newt asks them
"Not long, just a day or two. That kid over there," he points at a kid sitting by himself
"He's been here the longest. Almost a week."
He finishes
"His maze was nothing but girls." The other boy said
"Really?" Minho questioned.
I shoot him a look
"We're you the only girl?" The boy asks
"Yep" I shortly say then look back at that kid that's been here a week
"Some guys have all the luck." The boy says laughing

I see rat man walk in holding a small board then he speaks up
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Here's this weeks list."
Janson started saying peoples names on the list. Whoever was called got up exited and stood behind him. When he finished everyone who doesn't get picked sighed and groaned in disappointment. While we were just left confused.
"Now, now, don't get discouraged. If I could take more, I would. There's always tomorrow. Your time will come. Go on, eat up." He said as he walked out with the kids he called

"Where they going?" Thomas asks the boys
"Far from here. Lucky bastards." One of them says
"Some kind of farm. A safe place. They can only take a couple people at a time." He adds

After a while they lead us to are rooms.
The boys went to one while I was pushed into a different room.

I turn around to see a bunch of girls in the room.
"Oh hell no" I say turning and banging on the door
"Hey! Helllooo?! Someone get me out of here!" I yell over and over again till they finally open the door
"What do you want?" A guard asks me
"Listen I've been in a maze with 50 boys for the past three years and you expect me now to just stay in a completely different room with a bunch of girls I don't know? I don't think so. Take me to the boys room" I say
"We can't do that" he says
"Well if you can't do that then I can't not bang on the door every second begging you to get me out" I say smiling
He pauses before saying
"Alright fine come on." He says grabbing my arm

He pushes me into the boys room and quickly closes the door

"What did you do?" Newt asks me
"Nothing I was just myself" I say with a shrug
"Ahhh ok that's why then" Thomas says
"Hey!" I hit his arm
"Sorry sorry" he laughs

I change, get ready for bed and lay down.
My bed is on opposite from Thomas.

Everyone falls asleep fast but I can't. I look over to see Thomas moving
"Thomas?" I say quietly
He turns around and says
"Yeah" he says
"Can't sleep?" He asks me
"No. All of this just seems to perfect. I know that sounds weird but somethings not right" I say
"I agree." He says and we look at each other for a minute

"What are we?" I ask
"Depends if you like me or not" he laughs
"Not so much of like but I guess I do put up with you pretty well " I quietly laugh

We gets up and sits down next to me
"Reyna my fearless worrier, will you be my girlfriend?" He ask in a funny accent
"Yes I will. Only if you will be my night in shining armor" I say in the same accent as him
"Always" he smiles

Then we both hear a noise under my bed. We look at each other confused
"Psst, hey," he heard someone whisper
"Down here." He adds
We both look under my bed and saw the boy from the cafeteria. The one that's been here a week

"Come on follow me" he whispers
He starts to crawl and I look at Thomas then follow. Thomas right after me
"Hurry this way" the boy says
"Come on" he says again

He crawls into a bigger opening before saying
"Come here."
I crawl over then Thomas after me
"Watch." He says pointing through the vent at a hallway.
A couple seconds later a doctor came by.
Behind the doctor was a few more doctors, pushing tables with bodies on them. But the bodies were covered with sheets. My eyes widen and I look at Thomas who looks at me with the same eyes

The doctor swiped her keycard, making the doors open. They all walked through and once they were all the way in the doors close
"What the hell was that?" Thomas asked the boy quietly.
"They bring in new ones every night, like clockwork." He said
"What do they do with them?" I ask him
"I don't know. This is the farthest I've ever gotten. The vents don't even go into that section. But once they go through that door, they don't come back out. I don't think anybody ever really leaves this place." He says
He started to crawl back then says
"Come on. We've gotta go before somebody notices we're gone." He tells us
"Why did you show us this?" I ask him
"Because maybe the others will listen to you guys. I saw the way you looked at Janson," he says looking at me
"I can tell you guys don't trust him. There's something weird going on here. And I know you think so too." He crawled away again before Thomas calls out
"Hey, wait. What's your name?"

We get back and quietly get back in bed
"We should try to get some sleep. I have a feeling we will have a long day tomorrow" I tell Thomas
"Goodnight Tom" I add
"Goodnight Rey" he says

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