Patting my own shoulder

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I looked at her my eyebrows lifted up in confusion

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I looked at her my eyebrows lifted up in confusion.
"Hello Reyna." She says while smiling 
"What?" I say
"You know me?" I asked her
"Interesting. It makes sense they'd put you in the maze. Though I'd must admit, I was worried they'd kill you after what you did." She looked behind me
"You too, Thomas." She said then looked back at me
"But then again your aunt couldn't do that" she added
"Listen, I've done a lot of stupid stuff against wicked. You're gonna have to be specific" I tell her
She smiles before continuing
"The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore. Watching your friends die, one by one." she said
"The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinates of Wicked compounds, trials , and labs." She says
"Then when they put you in the maze I'm assuming. Thomas gave me the rest. He said you gave him everything he needed." she adds 
"They were our source." Vince said in realization
"We couldn't have pulled all this off without then. Take her to the tent. Get these guys some warm clothes." She says

"Reyna, come on." She said
I looked back at the boys and Teresa before walking off with her.
"I need to get some blood from you." The woman said as I walk behind her

I was in a tent with Jorge, Brenda, and Mary.
I found out her name as we were walking

Brenda was shaking and breathing heavy.
Jorge sat next to her and I was on the other side of the bed getting blood draw from Mary

"In the beginning, we were lost. All we knew for sure, Was that the younger were stronger."
I looked at her
"You worked for Wicked?" I asked
Her face dropped before saying
"Long time ago. You know, at first we had the best intentions. Find a cure, save the world. It was clear you kids were the key, because you were immune. But why? Eventually, we found an answer. An enzyme produced by the brains of the immune. Once separated from the bloodstream, it can serve as a powerful agent to slow the spread of the virus." She told me
"So, you found a cure?" I ask her
"Not exactly. The enzyme can't be manufactured, only harvested from the immune. The young. Of course, that didn't stop Wicked. If they had their way, they'd sacrifice an entire generation. All for this. A gift of biology. Of evolution. But one not meant for all of us." Mary said holding a tube up
She went over to Brendas side
She rolled her sleeve up. And put my blood in. And right as she did her breathing became normal.

"How long will that give her?" I ask
"It's different for everyone. A few months maybe. But that's the catch, isn't it? She'll always need more." She says getting up
She puts her hand on Jorge and says
"Let's go outside. Let them rest." She tells him

Jorge stood up but he looked at me then Brenda
"She'll be fine." Mary told him
Jorge walked out then Mary turned to me
"Reyna. You know she can't come with us, right?" She says
I just looked at her not saying anything.

I was walking away when I saw something by her hip on the bed. I walked over and grabbed the metal piece.
I opened it up to see a picture of a boy.
He looked really familiar.

"He was my brother." Brenda said
"Hey. Sorry. Are you okay? How you feeling?" I asked her giving it back.
"You remind me of him. He always saw the best in people even if they didn't show it." She said
"Where is he now?" I asked.
"I don't know. When we were kids, we were taken in by one of Wicked's camps. They gave us a bunch of tests. They didn't want me.
They wanted him, though. They didn't even let me say goodbye." She told her. I saw tears in her eyes
"What was his name?" I asked
"George." She told me
Then that's when it clicked in my mind. Her brother was the same George in my maze. One of my first friends. I didn't want to bring it up just yet so I reached into my pocket and grabbed the heart Chuck gave me.

"That was Chuck." I said giving it to her
"How did he die?" She asked me
"Saving my life." I answered with tears in my eyes this time
She gave it back to me and I got up

"Get some rest." I told her
I walked out. But Jorge stopped me both hands on my shoulders
"Hermana. If anything were to happen to her, I..." He said
"I know, I know. You should go in there. Go talk to her." I told him
"I guess I owe you, now." He said then gave me a smile I returned
I started walking when I saw thomas, Minho, Newt, and fry sitting down

I came and sat down next to Thomas and leaned against him

It was silent till newt spoke up
"I wish Alby could've seen all this." Everyone nodded in agreement
"And Winston." Frypan added
"And Chuck." I say
"He'd be proud of you, you know, Reyna." Thomas said
"Yeah. You too" I say looking at him
He gives me a smile

I start to mess with the heart Chuck gave me when Thomas looks at me

"Hey what's on it?" He asks me
I just scrunch my eyebrows
"What?" I ask
"That" he says pointing at a little piece of wood sticking out

I pull it out and a note falls out.
I open the note to see chucks hand writing.
I close it quickly, get up and walk away without another word.

I sit down on a rock away from everyone and pull the note out.

"Dear Reyna,

I wrote this just in case anything happens and if you are reading this, then something did.
Please don't blame yourself. You are so strong and I have always looked up to you because of it.  I have always known you would be the reason we escaped, because you were the reason we all were still alive and still had hope in the first place. You are the reason I had joy. You were my first friend in the glade. I made this for my parents but to be honest I think you deserved it more. You were a mom to me without even knowing, and I will forever be thankful for that. I love you so much. Push through Rey. I know you can make it.


I didn't even realize I had tears falling down the whole time. I put the note back in and broke down. I miss him. I wish he was here with me right now.
I hear someone come up behind me and pull me into a hug. I knew it was Thomas with me.
I cry into his shoulder before I can finally bring myself to calm down.

"Thank you Thomas" I say wiping my tears
"You don't need to tell me thank you. It's what boyfriends do right?" He laughs
I laugh a little
"What did the note say?" He asks
I gave him the note and let him read it.
Thomas ended up tearing up and pulled me into another hug.
"I love you Reyna" he says
"I love you too Tommy" I say smiling

We both kept eye contact until are lips meet. And oh how I loved it
"I have been in wanting to do that again for so long. You have no clue" Thomas laughs
"I have been waiting for you to do it for a long time. You have no clue" I say laughing
Laughing and we walked down together back to the fire

"So was this made official in the maze or was it just now made official ?" Minho asks
"What?" I laugh
"Well we all saw you kiss in the maze, and we all saw you kiss just now. So answer the question" newt says laughing
"Fine fine we have been together since the bunk rooms in wicked" I said
"Ooooooo" everyone says
"Alright stop stop" I say laughing

"Hey, Aris!" Frypan yells
We saw him talking not to far away
"Hey, guys!" He yells back
"I kinda like that kid." Fry says to us
"Yeah. I still don't trust him, though." Minho said
"Since when were you the one with trust issues?" I ask and he throws a small piece of bread at me.
I look around to see someone missing
"Hey, where's Teresa?" I asked.
"She went up there." Minho said pointing at a cliff.
I look to see her standing there alone I get up and make my way to her.

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