Umbrella ella ella ellAHH

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We all crawl through the vents finding a place for all of us to get out

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We all crawl through the vents finding a place for all of us to get out. As soon as get are climbing out only two things run through my mind
1. We need to find Teresa
2. Get the heck out of here, preferably alive.
"You guys go ahead, there's something I gotta do." Aris says
"What are you talking about?" Thomas asks
"Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get out of here, right? Just go." Aris said
"I'll go with him." Winston said and follows Aris
"Okay Winston, go, go. Come on!" Thomas says
We all start to walk down the hall when Minho speaks up
"You sure we can trust this kid?"
"I don't know where we'd be without him." I say honestly
We turned the corner to see a docter standing there. The same doctor that took Teresa.
We all stopped as we just looked at each other

"What are you kids doing out?" She asks
Then with amazing timing the alarm goes off, literally just telling her we escaped
Her eyes widen realizing what was going on.

I ran up to her before she could do anything.
"Take me to Teresa" I say sternly grabbing her arm
She nods and starts walking

A Guard rounds the corner seeing us,  he starts yelling and running after us.

We round a corner but Minho stops and turns around
"Minho! What the hell are you doing?" Thomas yells
Minho takes off sprinting back towards where the guard was coming from. The guard turns to corner and is met with Minhos knee to the chest. Hitting him against the wall. Knocking him unconscious.

"Shit Minho." Newt mumbles
Thomas grabs the gun off of the guard and the doctor starts leading us to Teresa again

The doctor opens the door and Thomas quickly points his gun at the rest of the doctors in the room. I open the curtain to see Teresa there asleep on the bed.

The rest of the boys started to tie the doctors up while I wake Teresa

"Teresa?" I say lightly nudging her
"Reyna?" She asks her eyes meeting mine
She looks around the room sitting up
"What's going on?" She asks me
"We gotta go, right now. Come on" I say to her as I help her get up

"Guys! They're coming! Where do we go?"
Fry says
"Frypan, move!" He says pushing a table in front of the door right as Jason and his guards try to open it.
I look around the room trying to find a way out. I see a window on the other side of the room and tell Thomas
"Thomas the window!" I yell
He grabs a chair and starts to hit it
"Newt! Help! Help!" Thomas he yells
Newt grabs another chair and they both hit it

It finally breaks and we all climb through
We start running and open another door before we are meet with another guard. Before he can say anything Thomas shoots him with the gun.

No one was expecting it to electrocute him so we all stood frozen.

"Come on!" I yell snapping out of my thought

We run down a hallway to the last door
Thomas swipes the keycard but it doesn't work, we kept doing it but it still wasn't working. We're stuck.

"Reyna!! Thomas!!" Jason yells as he walks up with a bunch of guards behind him

I grabbed the gun from Thomas and started to walk forward towards jason pointing the gun at him.
"Open this door, Janson!" I yell
"You really don't want me to." Janson says shaking his head
"Open the damn door!" I yell
"Listen to me! I'm trying to save your lives!
The maze is one thing, but you kids wouldn't last one day out in the Scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the cranks will. Reyna, you have to believe me. I only want what's best for you." Janson says
"Yeah, let me guess. Wicked Is Good right?" I say then Janson smile drops.
"You're not getting through that door, Reyna"
Right then I hear the door open behind me. I turn to see Aris and Winston standing there.
"Hey guys." Aris says
"Come on." Fry add
"Rey, come on. Let's go." Thomas yells
I turned back to look at jason and start shouting at him. He try's to cover and I shoot a few guards but the gun rans out of ammo I throw it at the men then take off running towards the door.
jason and the guards start to run after me as well
"Shut the main vault door. Shut the main vault door!" Janson yells into his radio
Just then the door started to close. Why does this always happen to me?!?!

I run as fast as I can hearing everyone yelling at me to "hurry up"
Just as the doors were about to close I slid on the ground just making it at the last second. Everyone starts to helps me up as Aris brakes the control panel.
Making the doors locked completely
"Reyna, what's going on?" Teresa asked me but I didn't answer her I was to focused on jason.
Janson tried to open the door and at his failed attempt he started to hit the window, glaring at me.
I gave him the middle finger while saying
"Piss off rat man" I tell him
"You little shit." Janson said I just laugh and we all start to run to the very last door.

"Come on! Come on!" Thomas yells after he pulls the lever to open it.
We all start running through the storm outside you can here the Wicked guards running outside looking for us
"We'll lose them in the storm!" I yell

We all keep running through the sand as we hear Teresa yell
"In here!" Teresa tells us
I ran after her ignoring the yells from the boys.
I slide down the sand along with Teresa and one by one the boys join us.
After everyone was down Thomas started walking off again before saying
"We gotta go. We gotta keep going!"
"He's right, let's go" I say agreeing with him
"No. Reyna, Thomas. Tell me what's going on."
Teresa said
"It's Wicked. They lied to us. We never escaped. Thomas Aris, and I found bodies. To many to count" I say answering her
"What do you mean? Dead bodies?" Minho asks
"No, but they weren't alive either. They had them strung up, tubes coming out of them.
They were being drained. There's something inside of us that Wicked wants. Something in our blood. So, we have to get as far away from them as possible." I explain
Out of the corner of my eye I see Teresa touch the back of her neck. Before I could say anything newt speaks up
"Okay. So, what's the plan?" Newt asks us
Thomas just looks down
"You do have a plan, right?" Newt asks again
"Yeah... I don't know." Thomas mumbles
"Well, we followed you out here, Thomas.
And now you're saying that you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing!" Newt yells
"Hey! We got out of there that's all that matters right now! Would you rather be strung up being drained?" I ask
And when no one answers I say
"Yeah I didn't think so. You're welcome" I add pissed off

After a second of silence Aris says

"Wait, Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army."
"The Right Arm. If they're really against Wicked, maybe they can help us." Thomas says
"People. In the mountains. Mountain people. That's your plan?" Newt says
"I know they are real. Those kids that I saved before I got sent up into the maze, that's where they went." I say
Before anyone else could say anything else Winston speaks up

"Guys." Winston says
We all look at him, seeing him looking at the sand
We walked up to him we all saw footprints in the sand leading who knows where
"Someone's been down here." He adds
"Where are they now?" I say

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