Important information: he's angry

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Once again rat man walked in and started listing peoples names

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Once again rat man walked in and started listing peoples names. They get up exited and go stand behind them. Only if they knew.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of the doors.
I needed to get in there. Another thing to add to the list, I still don't know where Teresa is. I really hope she's not where those other kids are.
Thomas and I told them about the events of last night

"I wanna know what's through that door."
Thomas says
"We've been over this. You said they were covered up, so you and Reyna don't know what you saw. Could've been anything under there." Newt says. Newt has always trusted people right off the bat. I just hope he starts to believe us instead.
"We know exactly what we saw, they were bodies." I say
"Aris said they bring in a new batch every night." Thomas adds
"Who the hell is Aris?" Minho asks
Thomas points at the boy Aris
"Well." Minho said looking back at us
"I'm sold." He adds
"And last but not least, David. Thank you for your attention, enjoy the rest of your evening." Janson finishes
"Okay, till we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down, and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, alright?"
Newt says
By the time he finishes I'm already up walking towards the door with Thomas right behind me
"What are they doing?" Newt says
"I think they are drawing attention to themselves" Fry answers him
I act as normal as possible waking behind the kids in a line
Before I'm stopped by a guard
"Woah, hang on. You weren't called." The guard said
"I know, I'm just gonna be a second." I say trying to walk past him again but he stops me again
"This is a restricted area, kid." He says
"Alright, I just wanna see my friend, Teresa. Can you let me through?" I say
The man put his finger on my shoulder and says
"Get your ass back in that chair." He points
I turn around with a sigh and start walking back before I turn and shove the guard. Thomas right behind me.
"What's you problem, man?!" Thomas yelled pushing him
"What the hell?!" I yell
"Back off!" The guard yells and pushes us both.
All the boys grabbed Thomas and I holding us back
"Why won't you let me see her?!" I yell at him
"Control your friend!" The guard yells at the boys before Janson pushed past the guards
"What's happening here?" He asks
He looked at the guards then me
"Reyna, you should know, we can trust each other. We're all on the same side here." He said
"Are we?" I ask looking him straight in the eye
Janson looked at me for a moment before saying
"Get them to their bunks." He says
And the guards dragged us away

"What the hell was that about?" Minho asked us
"You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?" Newt says
I reach into my pocket and pull out a key card l "Nah, of course, I didn't." I say smirking
They all sighed obviously mad at me.
"I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that door." I say
"Alright." Newt mumbles mad
"Newt, they're hiding something. Okay?
These people are not who they say they are."
Thomas says
"No Thomas, you don't know that! The only thing that we do know, is that they helped rescue us from Wicked. They gave us new clothes, they gave us food, they gave us a proper bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time." Newt half yells
"Yeah but-" Thomas started to talk
"Some of us a lot longer than others." Newt cut him off but I step in front of Thomas and say
"Newt. I get it. You trust them they gave us things we haven't had in a long time. But do not forget I've been there the longest. I woke up in the maze for goodness sake's! I have been through hell and back multiple times, They are hiding something and I'm going to find out whether you like it or not." I say a little angry
Before any one else can say something the vent under my bed opens. All the boys look down to see Aris heads pop out
"Hey Reyna, thomas" Aris says
"You got it, didn't you?" Aris asked me
"Yeah ofc I did" I say
"Alright look, maybe you guys are right. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I gotta find out for sure. Just cover for us. I'll be back as soon as I can." Thomas says crawling into the vent
"I know we're going to find something. Be ready for when we get back" I say crawling into the vent as well

I jumped down and looked down both halls before telling the boys to come down.

We go over to the door and swipe the key, the doors open up and we walk through.

We come into a room to see they are growing grievers.
We keep walking and walk into another room, this room was filled with kids. A bunch of kids strung up like puppets. Tubes all over there body
They look like they are being drained.

"Teresa?" I say walking up to a girl thinking it was Teresa
"It's Rachel, They took her the first night. I told her it was going to be okay." Aris says
I look at him about to say something when we hear doors start to open. We sprint behind the pillars to hide. I peak around the pillar to see Jason walk in with a few guards.
"You sure this can't wait?" Janson asks
"She was very specific, sir. She wanted to speak with you personally." The guard told him
"As if I don't have enough to deal with."
Jason mumbles
The guard starts typing when I see a woman in all white pops up.
Ava Paige.
My monster of an aunt.

"Good evening, Dr. Paige. Lovely to see you again. Although I admit, I wasn't expecting to hear from you quite so soon." Janson says
"Change of plans, Janson. I'll be arriving a little sooner than expected, first thing tomorrow." Ava Paige said
"Oh well, We'll be delighted to have you. I think you'll be pleased with the progress we've made. As you can see," he says as images of a brain pops up on the screen
"Early results have been extremely promising. Whatever it is you've been doing to them in there, it's working." Janson tells her
"Not well enough. I just received board approval. I want all remaining subjects sedated and prepped for harvest, by the time I arrive. Especially Reyna." Ava says
My eyes go wide
"Dr. Paige, we are going as fast as we can. We are still running tests-" jason starts to say but Ava cuts him off
"Try something faster."
"Until I can guarantee their security. This is the best plan." She adds
"Ma'am, security is my job. We're on twenty-four lockdown here. I am assuring you, the assets are secure." Jason says with bitterness in his voice
"Have you found the Right Arm?" Ava asks
"Not yet, We tracked them as far as the mountains." He says
"So, they're still out there. And they've already hit two of our installations." Ava said
"They want these kids as badly as we do, and I cannot," she stops and takes a breathe
"I cannot afford another loss. Not now, when I am so close to a cure. If you are not up to the task, I will find someone who is." She says
"That won't be necessary," Janson answered her
"Might I suggest we start with the most recent arrivals?" Jason adds
"Just get it done. And jason, make sure Reyna is prepared for me when I get there. I would like to observe her personally" she says

That mother-
my thoughts are cut off as Ava adds one last thing

"And Janson, I don't want them to feel any pain."
"They won't feel a thing" he says then walks out

We get back to our room as fast as possible. We need to get out of here now.
We climb out of the vent in a panic trying to hurry
"Thomas!" Minho yells
"We gotta go! We gotta go! We gotta go, right now!" He said moving the bed in front of the door
"What the hell are you talking about?" Minho asks
"What do you mean 'we gotta go'"? Newt asked him
"Come on! We gotta go! They're coming for us!" I said ignoring all of their questions
"What happened?" Newt asks
"Aris, what happened?" Frypan asked hoping he would answer but he didn't he was paralyzed with fear
"Thomas Reyna, can you just calm down and talk to us!" Newt yells
"She's still alive!" Thomas says
"Who's she? Teresa?" Frypan asked.
"Ava." Thomas answers
"Ava?" They all said still confused
They kept asking questions before I just yell
"It's Wicked! It's still Wicked! It's always been
They all froze
Thomas and I finally go the bed on the door when you hear Jason's men trying to open it
"Reyna, What did you see?" Newt asks

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