Chapter nine

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Phoenix's POV:

We walk downstairs, and hear the noise again. I pull out two knives from my leather jacket and hand one of them to Sita, who gives me a weird look.

"For protection, sweetheart." I explain. "I can't be all the muscle here."

She warily takes the knife, and we walk into the living room. We hear the noise again, and look to our right to see the door of the cabin with a flashing light on it. I push the door roughly to see if it's unlocked, but the stupid thing won't budge.

"It's still locked." I say with a sigh.

"Ugh. I was hoping it unlocked early." Sita groans.

"Hope is the fool's ally."

"Okay Mx. Pessimistic quotes."

I open my mouth to reply but we hear a loud crash coming from upstairs. Gripping my knife tightly, I walk upstairs with Sita behind me. I walk over to her room door, and throw it open on the count of three. The room looks like it did earlier. I walk to what used to be Bruce's room and do the same. It's still empty. I walk to Jane's room, expecting to see her bloody body, but it's empty. No furniture, no body, and no blood. Sita walks in and is just as confused as me. I walk to Desmond's room, and it looks like it did before we found Jane. We finally walk to my room, and find it to be spotless. No Desmond. Not even a bloodstain on the ground to signify what had happened.

"You're seeing this too, right?" I hear her ask me.

"Yeah, I am." I answer. "I hate to say this, but we should probably check out the attic."

"Okay." She agrees. "One thing, though: where's the door to it?"

I quickly look at the ceiling, and find it in the middle of the hall. Never having been more grateful that I'm wearing 6 inch platforms, I hook my knife in the loop on the door and pull hard, sending the steps down in a cloud of dust.

"Holy crap." Sita says with a cough.

"This is some white people shit." I mutter under my breath and start climbing those stairs. I get to the top and almost puke at the smell and sight of hundreds upon hundreds of dead bodies. Jane, Desmond, and Bruce among them.

"Stay there!" I yell at Sita as she starts to climb up after me, not wanting her to see them. A tear rolls down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away and regain my composure.

"I'm so sorry, Bruce." I whisper. "I love you."

I start walking back down the stairs where Sita has been waiting for me.

"What's up there?" She asks completely oblivious to what I saw. "It smells like shit."

"I-" I hesitate to tell her, not wanting her to know that her best friends' bodies are up there rotting away with hundreds of others.

"What's up there, Phoenix?"

Trying to ignore her, I put the stairs back, sealing the attic away once more.

"Phoenix," She says sternly. "What is up there?"

I am about to answer when 2 Minutes to Midnight by Iron Maiden starts playing loudly from downstairs. Confused as fuck, we run downstairs to find the source of the actually good music. While running, I check my watch and see that it's 11:58pm. Two minutes to midnight.

"Fuck," I shout. "Sita, it's 11:58!"

"Shit!" She curses.

We make it downstairs, and frantically search for where the music is coming from. In the corner of my eye, I see something near one of the creepy-ass paintings on the wall. I run over to it, and rip it off the wall, making the music quiet down, but not stop.

"Sita!" I yell. "The paintings!"

She looks confused until sees what's in my hand, and runs to all the paintings on her half of the room. I'm about to rip out the final speaker, when the music stops. Instead, we hear a clock chime twelve times before we hear a distorted voice.

"Congratulations, mortals. Time's up." The voice says before laughing maniacally.

All of a sudden, the door powers down, and opens. Sita and I look at each other shocked and run out of the door without a second thought. As soon as we leave, the door shuts again.

Holy crap it's done! As much of a pain as it was sometimes, it was really fun writing this. Thank you so much for reading, see you in the epilogue!

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