Chapter 3 - fWhip, Scar & Grian, Sausage

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The Goblands were never silent. There were always Goblins at work on some part of the massive cave. The sound of tinkering or farming echoed through the air. Only inside the Tavern could the sounds not be heard, drowned out by the music and laughter. Glasses clinked together in cheers as Goblins and others alike shared a drink and conversation.

Some greeted fWhip as they noticed their Emperor passing through. But he paid them no mind. He was on a mission to find the Sheriff. His villagers already confirmed that Jimmy wasn't seen in the Goblands. The one last place fWhip decided was worth checking out, was a hidden cave, deep inside the walls.

The Sheriff shrine.

fWhip both hoped Jimmy was and wasn't there. He hoped the other was there, because he'd then know the blonde was okay and nothing had hurt him. He hoped Jimmy wasn't there, because then he'd have to explain himself, all the toys and the lawbook placed upon a pedestal. And he'd probably had to return the Deputy badge hanging on the wall. After all this time.

Well, he didn't need to explain anything, for the Sheriff wasn't there. Only the toys that resembled him were staring back at fWhip. If only Jimmy knew that it was him who had bought Joel's entire supply of Sheriff toys. Maybe then he would gain some of the attention back. Maybe then, Jimmy would look at him again.

Probably not.

It had been quite some time since Jimmy looked at him with anything other than disdain. He used to look at him with love, mutual respect and adoration. fWhip loved being at his side. They fought crime together, dealt justice together. He served as his right-hand man, loyal to no end. Jimmy had gifted him a beautiful golden badge, that he wore proudly, stating that he was the other's deputy. They were two peas in a pot, always together. fWhip has had the privilege of seeing Jimmy smile, cry, be strong and fall apart. He loved the Sheriff in any which way, no matter what. He never wanted to part.

But everything changed when fWhip went along with a prank. Jimmy seemed fine with the God, who teased him and called him a toy. Even tho fWhip had stood by Jimmy as they went to court and had a whole trial about the 'toy' thing, Jimmy seemed fine with Joel. But as soon as fWhip slightly played into it, making Jimmy get the achievement 'You've got a friend in me' he became the bad guy. Gone was the soft smile only directed at him, gone was the sparkle in his eyes.

The hurt and betrayal in the sheriff's eyes left him waking up in a cold sweat to this day, shattering whatever they had. fWhip stopped laughing. They stood frozen in place as they both felt the pressure rise. The goblin could almost ignore the tension and the way Jimmy trembled, as it had been a joke.


He felt his heart drop as he noticed the tear slowly rolling down Jimmy's cheek. "I trusted you," came the broken whisper. fWhip reached out, apology on the tip of his tongue. But he choose to bite it and keep his mouth shut as Jimmy's expression turned to one of anger. The Sheriff fixed his hat to hide his watery eyes. "You are no longer my deputy," he hissed as he walked past, leaving him and the Alley behind.

Just like that, everything they had together was gone. Shattered and gone with the wind. Why was it that Joel could tease him and only get a frustrated look, but the one time he decided to prank the other, he ruined the one good thing he had? It was unfair!

Besides, Jimmy would get over it. He would see it was only a joke, they'd laugh it off and he'd make fWhip his deputy again. Except he didn't. Cold words demanded the golden badge back, but he refused. Jimmy was being unreasonable, so he did as well. He refused to give it back, hiding it in his shrine.

"You were always my favorite Sheriff," he whispered to the man who stared him down in front of his own home. He hoped to get a reaction, to see some of the love that used to be there. But there was a hard expression on the Sheriff's face, unwavering. He left, to never return to the Goblands.

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