Chapter 12: Fear

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Rebecca suddenly awoke. She was no longer in the bunks, she was somewhere else... somewhere damp and dusty. She tried moving around, only to find herself stuck, she kept struggling till the floorboards broke, causing her to scream and fall on her visor. She slowly stood up, and patter herself down, getting rid of the dust. She noticed her vision was... cracked? She looked around, and she found a window, one that looked out to the lake. She looked out and could make out some students still on canoes. She smiled seeing her classmates having fun, when she suddenly had a rushing headache. She held her head in pain as the cracks in her visor slowly started fixing itself. She was going to scream, but then she heard something. She heard footsteps on the creaky floorboards. She quickly looked around, and found a hiding spot under some stairs. She scurried under there just as her visor fixed itself. She sighed in relief, before clasping her hands over her mouth. She looked to the main area, and saw a floating flashlight surrounded by a purple glow. She continued to walk and saw Uzi emerge. She watched as Uzi looked out onto the lake. The window Uzi was looking at shattered, which freaked out Rebecca. She remember when she saw Doll in the locker room, how she said something about Uzi having powers like hers. She looked on and watched as Uzi reached into her bag, which had a... worker arm in it! Was Uzi gonna eat it?! But before she could, she head some giggling.


Uzi turned around, throwing her backpack to the side.

"H-Hey, s-stupid... idiot... Uh, weren't you just-"

V put her hand next to Uzi's face.

"You said this camp would help us catch that red-eyed Doll freak. How about more "explore-y", less "watch from window creepy"."

Uzi swiped her hand away.

"Working on it. Just... so glad you guys fit right in. Super cool."

Rebecca watched this, and felt empathy for Uzi. Seeing her watch as her own classmates who had known her for years be more scared of her than the people who tried murdering all of them for years. She watched as V swung her tail behind Uzi.

"Better to stay distant, though. Don'tcha think?"

V looked over to Uzi's bag, seeing the hand, and then looked back to Uzi.

"Since I'll have to kill you next?"

She scratched Uzi's visor, and Rebecca saw her wince in pain. She watched as V was going to exit.

"Once I'm done with the blue one, you had better watch your back."

V simply left. Rebecca was shocked, she wanted to scream, but couldn't. She looked around frantically, looking for a way out that wouldn't alert Uzi. Rebecca slowly started moving again, before she felt like she was going to pass out. She fell face first, and woke up... in the guys bunk, where Adam was. He was there strumming his guitar, singing a sea shanty.

"*As the souls of the dead fill the space of my mind...*"

Rebecca was leaning over one of the bunks, then suddenly lost her balance and fell with a thud> Adam stopped playing his guitar, and looked over to see Rebecca on the floor. He threw his guitar aside and ran to her.

"Rebecca! There you are!"

Adam embraced her, and Rebecca joined and held him tight. She started to tear up. Adam saw this, and pulled away, keeping his hands on her shoulders.

"Where were you? Whats wrong?"

Rebecca wiped the tears from her eyes and looked to him.

"Adam... I think V is gonna kill me..."

"Wait, why? Is it cause of that power stuff?"

Rebecca nodded. Adam had a stern expression and he suddenly picked up Rebecca. Rebecca was startled by this.

"Adam! Wh-what are you doing!?"

"Getting you away from here. I won't let her hurt you!"

Adam stared running, and ran through the doors out into the open. Rebecca was terrified. Whats with these powers? Why does V wanna kill her? Is she gonna start killing people like Doll did? Is she gonna start eating them like Uzi? She started hyperventilating. Adam simply kept running, running into the woods, he eventually found another cabin, one with a sorta cell tower next to it. He barged in there, and found a hiding spot for Rebecca. Rebecca hopped out of his arms and looked to him with a look of fear.



She held up her hand, and the blue symbol went around Adam.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

Rebecca held her head with her other hand, struggling to stand up.

"I don't wanna hurt y-you."

"We can figure this out together! I'm here for you!"

Rebecca winced at the pain.

"Just... GO!"

Adam was then violently thrown out of the cabin, and flung into the forest. Rebecca now had steam flowing from her entire body. She was being hurt by the lights in the room, to which she started smashing them, before collapsing to the ground. She attempted to lift the door to the cabin to lock it, but it started melting into flesh. Rebecca tried stopping, but she couldn't. The floor boards started cracking, before lifting up and melting into mounds of flesh. She was being enveloped by it, trying to scream while the flesh seeped into her mouth, and eventually... she was consumed by the flesh...

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